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Ian Whitcomb fund

Spende geschützt
Ian Whitcomb received  Surgical Thrombectomy on Sept. 19.  A blood clot, in his right leg,  severely limited circulation.  Post surgery,  it developed that,  his big toe and another had to be amputated.

There have been many complications since Ian had the stroke in 2012.  He hasn't worked and I've been his full time care-giver.   No income for 7 years.
Now we must ask for your help.  Any amount.
Ian's recovery and rehabilitation will be long and expensive.  Left to what medicare covers he will not improve. 
You may have experienced this yourself... as the wife, I must advocate for and participate in his care wherever that happens to be.  Once home we'll need skilled assistance.
We humbly ask for your help.
I thank you for reading and appreciate how much you all care about Ian.


  • Ray Thank you
    • $23
    • 4 yrs


Lillie Langtry
Altadena, CA

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