Getting Malachi on Track
Malachi is a family friend who was recently diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. In the last two years he has lost 100% use of his legs due to the progression of the disease. Malachi is cared for by his grandmother and currently has an electric chair, but is not suitable for a 13 year old boy that loves to be outside. With the track chair, he will have free run outdoors and be able to hunt and fish as he did before losing the use of his legs. The chair has been quoted at $14,000.00.
$9000 of the $14,000 has already been raised by his family. All proceeds from this will be going towards the chair. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. We will be putting together an event to present the chair once it arrives. All that have donated or helped acquire the chair will be invited to be present when the chair is given to Malachi. He does not know we are doing this.
Any extra money raised will go to the Catawba County Special Olympics Fund.