Getting Xander home!
On 1 September 2021 we (Erin & Mike) learned that Xander’s cancer (Burkitt's lymphoma) is spreading into other parts of his body. It is with great sadness and heartache that we are informing you; this is no longer about Xander beating cancer, but getting him home.
Xander wants to spend his the rest of his time here (weeks-to-months) closer to family in Utah, most of whom haven’t been able to see Xander since he went to New York nine months ago. We are working with the staff in NY and UT to get him transferred to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Due to his immunocompromised state he needs to travel on an air ambulance service. We are currently working with our insurance company to get this covered, but since it’s not “physically medically necessary”, they are unlikely to pay, and will drag it out for weeks. We need him home sooner than that.
After over 18 months of medical expenses, travel expenses and taking unpaid time from work, we are facing an additional up front $25,000 cash cost to get Xander home.
Your donation will go to help get Xander home to his siblings and family.
Anything beyond that will go to end of life planning and funeral costs.
To learn more about Xander’s story please go to https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/xanderheaton/journal
How you can help:
Erin’s Venmo: @Erin-Heaton-6
Michael’s Venmo: @Michael-Heaton-6
Bone marrow and blood donations were crucial in giving Xander as much time as he had and saving so many other children Xander has met over the last 18 months. Please, if you are able to, sign up for the bone marrow registry and regularly donate your life-saving blood in honor of him.
Thank you for being on this journey with us. We have felt your love and support so much, and we don’t have adequate words to say how much we appreciate it.