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The Green Fairy Party Finale 2018

Donation protected

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Other Good Patrons of the incomparable Green Fairy Parties:

It has been my privilege (and that of many other champions of the cause of revelry) to have presented the Green Fairy Parties at PantheaCon for approximately fifteen years. We have had the time of our lives, as many would attest.

Alas, all good things must come to an end. The last Green Fairy Party will occur this February, and shall pass into legend and fond memory. With utmost gratitude to the supportive PantheaCon staff and our wonderful community, we request your financial support in making the last Green Fairy Party the most spectacular ever.

We have operated these parties free of charge each year, asking for nothing but your merry presence. On some years, I personally have spent over $15,000 over the weekend to provide dozens of varieties of imported  beverages, and hors d’oeuvres that most recently included twenty-eight trays of sushi. We also frequently feature live entertainment, and meticulously curate the most delectable ambiance for profundities, delirium and marvels. You can expect this and much, much more.

We seek to top ourselves every year by expanding the boundaries of excess, but cannot do so any longer without additional funding. Some have offered financial assistance in the past, and we have refused. Now, we realize that we shall need such assistance in order to present a party worthy of the legend, and would gladly welcome your generosity.

You will get regular updates during the campaign about our early plans as well as in the lead-up to Con. Feel free to comment below with your memories, as well as what you'd like to see this year. We can't promise we'll fulfill your every wish and desire, but we can promise a wondrous experience indeed.

It is time. One last adventure; one for the ages. With your help, this will be biggest, grandest, most amazing Green Fairy Party ever. Those who give, will be given to in turn — our magi have assembled, enchanted and blessed wonderful "Thank you" gifts for your generous donation, including items adorned with the official Green Fairy Party logo and VIP party passes. Donors should receive their gifts before PantheaCon, if possible.

VIP passes and masks for high tier donors will be presented at the Green Fairy Party this year at PantheaCon, or shipped to benefactors who are unable to attend. These wonderful gifts are limited in number, however, our desire to present the most memorable Green Fairy Party is not.

We welcome all kindred spirits to support our cause in whatever ways they can, both large and small. Together, this year's party shall be spectacular.

Clifford Hartleigh Low

Green Fairy Parties



Please note: VIP passes can be revoked due to misuse or violation of PantheaCon rules.

Due to the slow start of the donations, the donor gifts will be handed out to the donors at Pantheacon.  Those who do not pick up their gifts will have them shipped to their homes via USPS. 

Because quantities are limited, we reserve the right to make substitutions of equal or greater value if necessary.

Please remember that the Green Fairy Parties are 21+ only.

Thank you for your support!



  • Taffy Dugan
    • $20
    • 7 yrs


Clifford Hartleigh Low
Teaneck, NJ

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