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Audrey & Dena babies/hospital fund

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Hello, I am Danielle and have been Audrey's best friend since 6th grade. Audrey is more then a friend to me, she is like a sister.  I love both Audrey and Dena very much and am so excited for theses babies. Anyone who knows Audrey and Dena knows how big both their hearts are. When they started this baby journey no one ever thought Audrey being as little as she is, would ever make it to full term with twins but we also never thought she would be living in the hospital starting at 27 weeks until she delivers.  She is doing her best to keep these babies brewing as long as possible but I know she is worried about money.
When they first found out it was twins, some great people who work with them at Costco started a carseat fund. Well Audrey being Audrey couldnt take money for carseats when she knew another co-worker just had a stroke and needed the money more then they did at the time. So they turned the carseat fund into a helping the coworker fund. And when another coworker who had a seriously health problem and would be off work shortly after her husband  himself had a heart attack, Dena organized a bake sale raising over $1000.00 for them.  
 Audrey right now is on medical disability due to the babies being so big and Audrey being so small which only pays her partial salary.  Once she delivers these sweet babies her 6 weeks of maturnity leave starts and her disability ends. Audrey could possibly have to return to work before these babies even leave the hospital.  Please if you can lets help them not worry about hospital bills, and Audrey needing to return to work before getting these babies home.  They aren't ready for these babies, they now are going to be needing special carseats for premies, small premie clothing which is more expensive. Please help me get them ready to for theses babies.
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  • Nina Volk
    • $100
    • 9 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Danielle Kersey
Portland, OR
Dena Bell

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