Help Me Welcome a Little Blessing
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بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
A Heartfelt Plea for the Blessing of Motherhood
Hello All,
As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh, dear brothers and sisters.
My name is Sara, and I am 33 years old. For many years, I have carried the dream of motherhood in my heart, longing to hold a child of my own. However, despite my endless prayers and efforts, this dream has yet to come true.
In 2018, I went to the hospital, convinced that something was wrong. Yet, I was reassured that everything was fine. But deep down, I knew my body was telling me otherwise. After persistent efforts and months of waiting, further tests revealed the painful truth my egg reserve is far lower than it should be for my age. This was the reason behind my struggles to conceive.
The NHS advised me to consider IVF, but unfortunately, they could not fund my treatment. My desire to become a mother is deeply rooted in my heart, and I could not give up on this dream. With unwavering faith in Allah’s mercy, I sought private treatment and found hope again but at a great financial cost.
I have been recommended the Multi-Cycle ICSI programme through Access Fertility, tailored to my condition. However, due to the severity of my test results, this programme is non-refundable. The cost of the programme alone is £12,200, excluding medication and additional procedures such as a dummy embryo transfer, which itself costs £650 and more.
I come to you with a humble heart, asking for your du’ā and support in this journey. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ) tells us:
“And He is the One who creates life and bestows children to whom He wills.” (Qur’an 42:49)
I firmly believe that Allah is Al-Razzāq (The Provider) and Al-Wahhāb (The Bestower of Gifts). If it is written for me to be a mother, I pray that He makes it easy and places mercy in the hearts of those who can help.
Any amount of support whether financial or through dua means the world to me. Your kindness could help me achieve the greatest blessing a woman can ask for: the gift of a child.
May Allah (SWT) bless you abundantly, increase you in health, wealth, and imān, and grant you ease in all your affairs.
Jazākum Allāhu khayran,
Sara Yamuna