It Never Rains But It Pours
Please brace yourself while I share something very difficult with you.
I don't like asking for help, its not something which I do easily. However, in the last year, I've been doing really well, making all my financial commitments, and being a responsible adult. So I'm willing to give myself a bit of wiggle room under the circumstances.
We as a couple (my Fiancée Renée and I) were doing just fine. Paying bills, paying debts, and working towards moving to Kitchener with the recent relocation of my job. However, it never rains, but it pours.
As some of you will have heard by now, Renée recently spent a week in the hospital struggling through Acetaminaphine toxicity after an attempt to take her own life.
Medically, she is doing well, and there will be opportunities for you to follow up on the details therein via her Blog (TheChaosWeLiveIn.Blogspot.Ca) as she speaks out about her experience as her energy allows.
For right now, I've ended up in a place where I'm stressed that I may not be able to make those commitments, such as cell phone bills, rent, car insurance, gas for the car, groceries, etc.
I know that the vast majority of my friends are in equally as poor financial shape, but I' turning to you because i really do feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
We don't need much. $300 would be plenty. Just enough to make up for the expense of a new mattress and a poorly timed needful repair to the car.
So if any of you feel like you can help out, even just a little bit, I would be forever grateful.
EDIT: March 23
We made our initial amount very quickly, thanks to some amazing friends. Thank you.
Any further amounts we receive will go to expediting the move to Kitchener (I was transferred for work back in November) so that I don't have to be so far away from my girl while I work, and so it won't take as long to get back to her at the end of the day.
Thank you once more for your continued love and support!