Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Girl Child Concerns

Donación protegida
Please help us raise $45,000 to help reduce child marriage, gender-based violence and poverty in girls affected by conflict through education and life skills.

Girl Child Concerns (GCC) has a focus on meeting the educational and social needs of young girls aged 10-18 years old affected by conflict in Northern, , Nigeria by providing girls with access to education, life skills, sexual and reproductive health education and mentorship GCC has established a Girls’ Academy in the 2020 academic session. Currently, GCC has 350 girls enrolled on a full scholarship with plans to enroll a further 100 girls every academic year. These are young girls who have been displaced and who otherwise wouldn't have a chance to access a formal education or the benefits it offers.

This project will introduce livelihood skills as part of an after school enrichment program. Our main aim of empowering young people is to give them the necessary skills and agency to make informed decisions in all facets of their lives, including the fundamental motivation and skills they need to complete a secondary education. This will increase access to secondary school education for girls by working to mitigate external factors that often hinder these opportunities for the girls thereby producing poor education and health outcomes

With your support, we aim to equip the GCC Girls' Academy with a livelihood skills training center for girls to learn a number of different trade skills. Through this project, girls will learn employable skills that will enable them to augment their household incomes and continue to their education.

Participants of our programs will also be encouraged to mentor younger girls and serve as advocates in their communities for girls’ education.
By supporting this project, you will be supporting girls’ education and efforts to reduce child marriage and increase economic empowerment of young girls in Nigeria.

This project is supported by the Girls Opportunity Alliance.

Your donation to benefit this campaign/project will be allocated to the Girls Opportunity Alliance Fund (“GOA Fund”), a project of (a U.S. public charity). The Girls Opportunity Alliance Fund may grant a refund in limited circumstances at its sole and absolute discretion, however, donations are not refundable after the GoFundMe payment platform has transferred your donation to the Girls Opportunity Alliance Fund. Transfers from GoFundMe to Girls Opportunity Alliance fund typically occur once monthly. All donations are subject to the variance power of, as stated in the applicable policies ( Subject to applicable law, donations may be tax-deductible.

The GOA Fund is restricted to supporting girls' education and your donation is made for the support of the above described project. Notwithstanding that the campaign description may name a specific organization that is anticipated to engage in the projects, retains variance power, that is, discretion and control over how funds are disbursed within the purposes of the GOA Fund generally, and within the purpose of the project specifically. For example, if the project does not reach its minimum fundraising goal, may re-assign money raised to another campaign within the GOA Fund.

As of April 11, 2019, the Direct Impact Fund operates as


  • Girls Opportunity Alliance General Fund Grant
    • $42,789 (Offline)
    • 2 yrs
  • Andrea Greebon
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Donna Mavros
    • $25
    • 2 yrs
  • Atiku Bugaje
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Manzi Maximum
    • $5
    • 2 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Girl Child Concerns
Girls Opportunity Alliance Fund, A Project Of

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