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Girls Education Project by Saheli Women

Donativo protegido
Girls in India do not have the same opportunities as their male peers when it comes to education. The disparity is especially great in rural areas where girls typically receive little education beyond primary school. This can be due to complex issues involving poverty, negative views on girls' education, child labor, child marriage, teen motherhood, health problems, inadequate resources for menstruating girls and sexual harassment fears.

Before Coronavirus we were sponsoring the education of over 200 girls. This partnership with our local school has always been dear to our heart. However, when coronavirus hit India we were not able to continue the project anymore until now.

Saheli Women are on a mission to provide arts education to the girls of Bhikamkor village. We will build a multi-function space combining a library and art room offering access to academic reading material and a space for skills training in indigenous Indian crafts. With consistent support from Saheli Women the ongoing project will create a lasting impact for years to come. To make this possible we have to raise £7,000, £4000 being used for the building, £2000 for resources and £1000 for a teacher salary.

Our hope is that by educating the girls from a young age, they will have professional artistry skills by the time they finish secondary school enabling them to gain jobs to financially support themselves. This project is also about ensuring these beautiful skills are passed onto the next generation. The girls will be learn embroidery, block print, handloom, sewing and more. We hope these girls will be the future leaders of the community and if they wish, join Saheli Women on our journey.

This fundraiser is organised with the help of our international business manager. India is not on the list of countries that a gofundme is possible to set up from so she has helped with her details to make this fundraiser possible.


  • Anónimo
    • £500 
    • 11 mos
  • Joanna Sfakiotakis
    • £50 
    • 11 mos
  • Kim Pearce
    • £50 
    • 1 yr
  • Alina Chakh
    • £44 
    • 1 yr
  • Anna Squire
    • £70 
    • 1 yr


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