Give Hilton the Gift of a New Kidney
Donation protected
A Heartfelt Request: Help Save a Loving Uncle, Son, and Brother.
Dear Friends, Family, and Kind-Hearted Strangers,
My name is Hilton, and I am reaching out to you with a humble request. I am currently on dialysis for 10 hours per night, seven days a week at my home. I'm in need of a kidney transplant to give me a better chance at a longer life with a better quality of living. I am the "fun" uncle to 6 nephews and nieces, and I enjoy bringing joy to their lives.
Back in 2020, during the COVID pandemic, I heard the symptoms of COVID and went to a clinic to get tested because I was short of breath. I was sent to the ER with seriously high blood pressure. I started seeing a primary care physician to deal with my hypertension, and eventually, I became diabetic, and my kidney function began to fall. I currently have 8.1% of the function of normal kidneys as of January 2025. I'm blessed to have gotten on dialysis before getting sick, but life right now consists of daily 10-hour treatments at home and numerous appointments with different doctors and specialists.
I am now turning to the kindness and generosity of others in hopes of finding a living kidney donor who could offer me the gift of life.
If you or someone you know might be able to consider donating a kidney to me, it would mean everything. The process is safe for the donor, and the medical team at VCU will provide all the necessary information and support for those who are interested. A living donor can help me regain my health and be around for my mother, who lives with me.
If you are willing to help or simply want more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly or the transplant center through the website https://www.vcuhealthlivingdonor.org. Any form of support — whether it’s being our kidney donor, a financial donation, spreading the word, or keeping us in your thoughts — is deeply appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for your consideration. I am forever grateful for the kindness and compassion of people like you.
With heartfelt thanks,
Hilton Y
Please see my kidney donor search Facebook page for more information on me, life on dialysis, the process for recipients and donors, etc. https://www.facebook.com/KidneyDrive25/
All financial assistance will be used toward:
• Medical bills
• Immunosuppressant medication needed for the rest of my life after the surgery
• Out-of-pocket medicine
• Out-of-pocket doctor appointments and co-pays
• Emergency money to pay my mortgage or costs of transportation and lodging for surgery if needed
• A small portion will help with advertisement and spreading the word. I am going to make a website and buy ads so it can get exposure to a wider audience
• Unforeseen post-transplant care
• Ongoing dialysis fees/co-payments, machine costs, etc.
• Supporting me with the costs of a renal diet
I'll also add some more information on the costs involved in a kidney transplant. For people with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), 30 months from the day you start dialysis Medicare becomes your primary insurer, paying 80% of your costs. Your private insurance MAY cover the other 20% but you have to pay Medicare premiums. After a transplant you have to take expensive drugs to suppress your immune system to keep it from rejecting the kidney for the rest of your life. This also makes you susceptible to illness. After the transplant I will not be able to work while recovering. During that time, normal living expenses continue while I'll be on disability and only paid 60% of my normal income. All of these factors contribute to the financial need I'll have going forward, even as I have to face health decline and recovery.
Fundraising team (4)
Hilton T Young
Brays Landing, VA
Corey Young
Team member
Heather Nash
Team member
La Keisha Young
Team member
Theodore Holliday
Team member