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Love Like Reed

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Reed made our world a much better place for the short 15 years he was on earth.  We want to honor him by continuing to "Love Like Reed" and lead others to Christ by financially supporting two non-profits.  Reed attended Camp Highland each summer and grew his faith by leaps and bounds each time he was there.  He was also chosen to do mission work in Uganda this summer and Tanner will now go without him to lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus. 
In lieu of flowers, we would appreciate donations to scholarships for kids who do not  have the means to attend Camp Highland or to GlobalX to support the mission trip to Uganda.  Reed loved serving and loving others and we know he would be honored if you helped us continue the work he started.


  • Susan Gatewood
    • $20
    • 6 yrs

Spendenteam: Team Reed (2)

Trent McMurtrey
Woodstock, GA
Team member

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt