Give marine turtles a chance
Marine turtles face stiff odds of making it to adulthood and reproducing. Factor in exploitation for their meat, eggs, and shells and the chances of making it to adulthood are astronomical indeed.
Give marine turtles a chance by donating. Even a small donation can have a big impact. Your money will be wisely spent on ensuring that endangered marine turtles in Con Dao - and throughout Vietnam - are given the protection to which they are entitled. Our sole focus is on saving marine turtles from extinction before it is too late. You can make an immediate difference to the outcome.
In Vietnam, Education for Nature -Vietnam is turning the tide for marine turtles in the Con Dao archipelago, the last stronghold for globally important populations of sea turtles like the hawksbill and green sea turtle. Our holistic approach to reducing consumer demand, making Con Dao marine turtle-friendly, and strengthening law enforcement is a winning formula.
Act now. Donate today!
· $50 will rescue a turtle reported to ENV by the public via our Wildlife Crime Hotline. ENV will ensure that the turtle gets released back into the ocean.
· $100 helps support the operation of ENV’s national toll-free hotline through which the public reports wildlife crimes.
· $1,000 supports one ENV “Outpost” for a year. Each outpost is composed of volunteers who are recruited and trained to monitor restaurants and markets, report marine turtle violations, and host local awareness activities urging the public not to consume wildlife. ENV Outposts are currently active in 17 cities throughout Vietnam.
But every single dollar counts when it comes to protecting beyond precious marine turtles.
Find out more about our marine turtle program: recommended videos >
Give marine turtles a chance | Sea turtles of Con Dao | Taking down Vietnam’s marine turtle kingpin
While we work to stamp out marine turtle crime across Vietnam, Con Dao is the primary focus of our work. Securing a future for the Con Dao marine turtles is imperative to ensuring a sustainable future for marine turtles across Vietnam.