Give Meeko A Chance To Live A Long And Happy Life
Hi, my name is Sue and I am the official volunteer fundraiser for BARRK a Dog Rescue based in the North East of Scotland and has been established since 1996 to rescue and rehome dogs. Our geographical area is vast and our costs are huge but now we desperately need your support:
Meeko's condition of regurgitating his food has now stopped and he is eating much better. His fosterer said he is enjoying eating salmon and potato as well as blueberries which are good for the stomach. He also gets a bit of banana and some vegetables which all seem to be staying down! He has improved in the last few months and his weight has now gone up to 13.6kg. However, his skin condition continues to give him discomfort and he is due to see a Dermatologist in the next few months for various tests costing £1,640. Hopefully, they can diagnose the problem and relieve his stress.
This ongoing veterinary treatment will continue for the duration of his life and is a financial cost that will be borne by the Charity.
All in all he is a “wee fighter” and continues to be a happy, lovely boy.
Can you help us please to reach our target thank you for responding to our cause.
Sue Fleming
Banff & Aberdeenshire Rescue & Rehoming Kennels