Giving back to Cliff Green
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Cliff Green - a man of integrity, unmatched work ethic, and a deep love for his students, family, and the Lord.
As a former student of Mr. Green's, I can speak firsthand of his character and kindness. He has poured into the school community for years, and his devotion has never wavered. Countless hours of grading, reading, and writing, including recommendation letters and graduation speeches, have proven his dedication to the school and students. He has undoubtedly made all those who pass through his classroom not just better writers and deeper critical thinkers, but better followers of Jesus.
Six months ago, Cliff was diagnosed with lymphoma and has undergone many rounds of chemo and radiation since then. He has continued to teach and pour into his family and students, even in the exhaustion and stress of cancer. Although the treatments have been working, medical bills are burdensome and unexpected expenses are… well, unexpected.
As the Green family’s community, let’s continue to shower them with love and support!
“Instruct them to do what is good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and willing to share, storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the
coming age, so that they may take hold of what is truly life.” 1 Timothy 6:18-19
Please consider supporting the Green’s through this time!
Thank you for your continuing prayers and generosity!
Kaylene Cender
Candler, NC