Giving Rachel Hope 4 Healing Breast Cancer
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Hello kind folks. As most of you may know, Rachel was diagnosed with breast cancer in the Summer of 2012 when she was just 32 years old. She quickly moved forward with a lumpectomy operation, during which a tumor was removed from her breast along with three lymph nodes. The surgery was followed up by an aggressive round of cyber knife radiation that required daily administration for three weeks. She was declared NED (no evidence of disease) and told to put this all behind her and live life.
Rachel continued to focus on healing and adopted a new diet, lifestyle, and stress management techniques. Over the course of the next three years she was able to cut out refined foods and sugar. Green juicing, plant based cooking, organic foods and careful supplementation became an obsession to her. Rachel was so inspired by her new lifestyle, she started a blog to help other breast cancer survivors and opened a gluten free bakery so she can share her healthy treats. Rachel began a spiritual practice including daily meditation, yoga and long walks with her best friend pit bull, Bronx.

Life finally began to normalize and we were able to put some of the nightmares behind us and start looking forward again. But on a dreaded Sunday, in the Summer of 2016, she approached me with a need to talk and I just knew what she was going to say. She found a new lump in the surgery scar in the same breast. We were devastated and the world seemed to crush us once more with all its weight.
Since Rachel had already had radiation and surgery, the doctor's reluctantly suggested a mastectomy and heavy chemo. After careful consideration, with little reassurance from the doctor's of a full recovery, Rachel declined the treatments and committed to healing through alternative/holistic ways. Her Oncotype score also indicated that her cancer would not be managed very well with chemo, which helped her make a decision to decline it. By foregoing the recommended therapies, we went on our way to venture this rocky terrain on our own.
We began to read every cancer book, listen to every cancer podcast and watch every cancer video. Rachel did genetic testing to gain a better picture and become more efficient. We went to naturopath doctors, spiritual healers, chiropractors and a plethora of other mediums.
We acquired an infrared sauna for detox purposes. Coffee enemas and other holistic practices became religious. Rachel has gone through several protocols, including an intensive enzyme protocol. She has also tried several alternative cancer treatments and was diligent in keeping her eye on healing even though many of these treatments resulted in her feeling very ill. My wife was anchored to the bed for weeks at a time during some of these therapies. By using these modalities, she was able to keep her cancer fairly stable and maintain a decent quality of life. The tumors would shrink and come back and shrink again. Through Navarro testing and thermography she has been able to monitor her progress and be her own health advocate up to this point.

Alas with the dawn of 2019 things began to spiral bit by bit. Rachel began to feel less vigor and more tiredness. She started to notice that she was not able to handle the treatments in the same way and her body did not seem to heal as quickly. Rachel's immune system has been detoxing and fighting cancer for the past two and a half years nonstop and has become weakened. Last month she contracted a cold with the symptoms that are lingering to this day. The most frightening thing is that she has more lumps popping up throughout her chest area. Things were looking up not that long ago, but now we are mentally catching up with her apparent decline. She usually has another treatment or next thing to try up her sleeve, but this time we feel we have only one option remaining.
Rachel is an active member of online cancer communities where she shares her experiences and learns from others. One treatment center has always stood out to us but we always hoped that it wouldn't have to get to that point. But here we are...
Hope 4 Cancer is one of the best alternative cancer centers in the world. Its located in Mexico. It has been featured in the "Truth About Cancer" documentary series and is highly respected by the industry. Rachel personally knows several patients who have had tremendous success getting well there. Just about every single treatment would be new to Rachel and there is great success in treating her kind of cancer.
Rachel needs to work on strengthening her immune system in order to be able to continue to keep her disease progression at bay. This clinic focuses on treating the WHOLE person, not just targeting the disease. We have already made a tremendous amount of changes towards healing Rachel as a whole, we just need some help with giving her body a needed boost so she can keep on striving for wellness. The list of therapies offered at this clinic can be found here:
Hope4Cancer Therapies
This video describes the type of care and treatment Rachel will receive while she is in Mexico.
**Please understand that we have researched this through and through. We are aware of the quackery reports and all of the negative reviews. Any treatment outside the Standard of Care which is surgery, radiation, and chemo will always have negative reviews. **
The cost is $46,500. This sum will include a 3 week stay, 6 days per week, 8 hours per day receiving treatments. She will be sent home with supplements and other therapies to continue at home. She will return every three months for follow ups and additional treatments for the next 12 months.
Most importantly, this is a chance for Rachel to stop having to constantly research and decide what the next step is for her. She will be able to focus all her energies on getting well, knowing she will have a dedicated team of doctors to guide her on this next phase of her healing journey.

I want to take a moment here and just say a few things about my wife. Through all of this painful experience, she never complains. She smiles through suffering and continues to set a true example of resilience and unwavering belief. She inspires me every moment and has taught me how to be patient, brave and loving. Our normal marriage has transformed into the highest form of love, wrapped in struggle, adversity and humility. I could tell many stories of her perseverance and resolve and perhaps one day I will. In the meantime, I would like for you all to to know that your donations will go to help this amazing woman who just wants the opportunity to feel well, love her family, have a career, inspire others, and enjoy the simple wonders of life.
Like most men, I am a proud guy. My ego hurts just writing this. But after eating humble pie for so long, I will do anything to give my wife a fighting chance. We have sacrificed everything to get her well and have done it all on our own thus far without burdening our loved ones. Through this experience we have learned how to allow to be vulnerable around each other. Today we allow our vulnerability to be on display for the world.
We appreciate family, friends & other kind souls who read & share our story. We are eternally grateful for any contribution you can make towards Rachel's journey back to health. If you are unable to contribute financially, please share this story and keep her in your prayers.
Rachel will provide real time updates on her healing journey as she receives her treatments in Mexico.

Rachel Curtis Bykovny
Jackson, MI