Giving Tuesday Dec. 3 Intestinal Rehab &Transplant Unwrapped
Tax deductible
You can make a difference by donating today to Intestinal Rehab & Transplant Unwrapped.
Our mission is to ensure every patient, caregiver, and member of the intestinal disease community feels well-educated and supported throughout their journey with intestinal failure, intestinal rehabilitation, and intestinal and multivisceral transplantation.
Be a part of our community and donate!
Go to our Website to see the stories of how our community relies on Intestinal Rehab & Transplant Unwrapped for education and support:
Do not forget to see if your employer matches or doubles the donation. One free tool to check is this site: https://doublethedonation.com/tips/giving-tuesday/
With a Goal of $10,000 you can see how your donation makes a difference!
- $5 helps to pay for one session of a support group-
- $10 helps to pay for shipping out books and materials to individuals and centers
- $15 helps to pay for our expenses in maintaining our non profit organization
- $20 helps to pay for 2 days of our website being live
- $25 helps to pay for the printing of one book
- $50 helps to add to the fund for our newest book to be illustrated
- $100 helps to add to the fund to send our Board Members to Conferences to promote IRTxU and keep us up to date
- $250 pays for one night in the hotel for a Board Member to attend a conference - this will also get you an IRTxU t shirt
- $500 helps to pay for a plane ticket to get to a conference Get a customized embroidered IRTxU t- shirt
- An exciting new way to support our community! With a minimum bid of $3,000 that will help to pay for the illustrations of our new intestinal rehab book in the works, we will accept bids with the highest bidder having the opportunity to name a supporting character in the book - email us at our website with your bid.
Transplant Unwrapped Inc