Photo principale de la cagnotte

Glenn Lovelace and his family

Don protégé
My Name is Adam Bussberg and I just threw this fundraiser up for Glenn because I know he will in no way do it for himself! He’s a beast of a man and I know he will pull through no matter what! But I know I personally owe this dude! And I know there’s many others besides me that want to and our happy to help him while he will be unable to work and provide while he recovers! If you are one of those people feel free to donate! If you are unaware of what happened, Glenn had a crash on his bike that caused him to break his neck in 2 places and his left arm ( he’s left handed) at the elbow very badly! Please pray for him and if you want to help feel free to donate here!!
Je soutiens


  • Anonyme
    • 100 $
    • 2 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 20 $
    • 2 ans
  • Dr. Jim Stoppani and JYM Supplement Science
    • 1 500 $
    • 2 ans
  • Lee Mattingly
    • 100 $
    • 2 ans
  • Leslie Murphy
    • 100 $
    • 2 ans
Je soutiens

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Adam Bussberg
Springville, UT
Amber Lovelace

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