GNAT (Gargrave Needs A Toilet)
Hello! Thanks for visiting our Go Fund Me, here's a little backstory:
In November 2019, following the decision by the Parish Council to stop funding the public toilets in Gargrave, Bee Faulkner invited people who wanted to see the toilets kept open to a public meeting held at Simon Myer's house. Much to Bee and Simon’s surprise (and delight) over 30 people turned up at that meeting and GNAT — Gargrave Needs a Toilet — was born.
In the village the scheme was met with all kinds of reactions from enthusiasm through to something bordering on hostility, with quite a lot of people being indifferent or bemused — why did we need a toilet when we all lived near enough home to get back and use our own facilities? But of course Gargrave does get a lot of visitors: particularly walkers and cyclists who appreciate having this facility. We came perilously close to having a boarded up building in the middle of our village, which would then have probably been graffitied and become a dumping ground for litter.
But no, thanks to the sterling efforts of so many people who have raised money, donated, cleaned, made signage, decorated, organised repairs, did repairs, planted flowers and goodness knows what else, we have lovely public toilets still in our village. The only toilets on the A65 between Harrogate and the Lakes! We have bucked the trend, so many other villages having closed their toilets. Gargrave is an exceptionally friendly and welcoming place and the toilets are part of that friendly welcome.
We are now into our third full year of raising funds to improve the toilets but there is an ongoing need for monies to keep the toilets going.
So if you can afford it, and wish to support GNAT then please donate here via Go Fund Me or via our bank account:
GNAT (Account Number: 53123018 Sort Code: 01-07-93)
Thank you for your support! :)