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Minimal Detroit Lounge start up fund

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Minimal Detroit was started by Detroit's own artist, Terrence Dixon. It was established several years ago to keep Detroit's contribution to the world, Techno, preserved and shared with not only those in Detroit and in the U.S, but even those abroad. Currently in the city, there is no venue dedicated to this particular music. When Terrence created several pages on facebook under the label minimal detroit ( minimal detroit was the first of several sub categories to the group, that was for the purose of sharing only Detroit techno and house music by only Detroit's artists. ) he began to see how many people, not only here in Detroit and the U.S, but many people abroad. And among those living abroad, they love and appreciate the sound that was created in Detroit. Today, sadly, Detroit's own artists have to perform abroad in order to have a career in music, because there is currently not a single club dedicated to this style of electronic music. Seeing the various minimal detroit groups on facebook grow in large numbers, Terrence along with Juan Atkins (The God-Father of Techno) and few others, decided to take steps in order to establish a proper Techno venue, where it would draw a large crowd back to the city of Detroit, and help the city financially, and also to have a place where Detroit's artists have a place where they can be supported and appreciated in a place that they call home.

We currently have all the elements in establishing this fine club, except a building. We are asking you to help Detroit and its artists to be a part of the new Detroit that is currently being built.

Seperated we are nothing, together we are strong.

Minimal Detroit


  • Patrick Steger
    • $1,000
    • 10 yrs


Todd Polo
Detroit, MI

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