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Go Fun Me Harry - Fighting The Big C

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The words no parent ever wants to hear,………”your son has cancer”.

What Harry first thought to be some lower back pain associated with sport or perhaps a work injury has now been diagnosed as Ewing Sarcoma. This cancer is an aggressive and extremely rare type of cancer found mostly in children and young adults affecting soft tissue and larger bones.
Harry’s cancer is situated in his pelvis which had placed pressure on his spine causing him pain and discomfort which led him to the doctors. After initially being suspected of having a haematoma some scans were done. Results were not conclusive or forthcoming and the pain increased so his mother Mel trusted her instincts and took him straight to the Emergency Department in Hospital. From there, after many tests the devastating diagnosis was revealed and he is now under the care of an amazing team of medical specialists at The Wesley Hospital in Brisbane.

Harry is only 20 yrs young with dreams and aspirations as any young person has. He will probably spend his 21st birthday having chemotherapy or being very unwell as a result of it. Harry had been working hard towards his ski holiday & cruise early next year whilst trying to save for his hobby and love of motorcycles which has now been put on hold.

This Go “Fun” Me page is to help support and maintain the fun in his life in what will be a very challenging journey in the months ahead. These funds will be specifically there for Harry to enjoy life during and post his treatment while he is unable to work (like an older persons version of ‘Make a Wish’).

Harry does not want charity and he is fully supported by all members of his family both financially and emotionally but we thought this may give him a bit more freedom and hope through this difficult journey.

Any support, even messages alone will help Harry day to day in what is an intensive chemotherapy program over an extended period. Obviously a few dollars that he doesn’t have to ask for will help his own autonomy and may just give him a bit of a boost sometimes.

Myself, Harry’s mother Mel, his brothers Jack & Ben along with all of his extended support network will appreciate any help we can give Harry. We want to bring back his cheeky grin and help give him something to look forward to post his arduous treatment.

Thank you

Je soutiens


  • Rhiannon McGreevy
    • 100 $
    • 3 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 30 $
    • 5 mois
  • Heidi James
    • 50 $
    • 8 mois
  • Lidia Peluso
    • 50 $
    • 8 mois
  • Jordan Harris
    • 100 $
    • 8 mois
Je soutiens

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Andrew Colbert
North Lakes, QLD
Harry Colbert

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