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The Amazon rainforest produces 20 percent of our planet's oxygen. Currently the Amazon is burning at a record rate. The amount of wildfires in Brazil increased more than 80% compared with the same period in 2018. All of our donations will be sent to amazonwatch.org.
More information about Amazon Watch: Since 1996, Amazon Watch has partnered with indigenous peoples and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and preservation of the Amazon's ecological systems. Our theory of change centers on advancing indigenous peoples' rights to manage their ancestral territories as the most effective way to protect the Amazon, as studies confirm that, here, community-based protected areas are more effective in conserving biodiversity that 'western' conservation strategies.
More information about Amazon Watch: Since 1996, Amazon Watch has partnered with indigenous peoples and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and preservation of the Amazon's ecological systems. Our theory of change centers on advancing indigenous peoples' rights to manage their ancestral territories as the most effective way to protect the Amazon, as studies confirm that, here, community-based protected areas are more effective in conserving biodiversity that 'western' conservation strategies.
Peter John König
Miami, FL
Amazon Watch