Donation protected
Keanu Ancesar Imperial made an early appearance on 7/23/2020 at only 23 weeks. He may have only weighed 1lb 1oz but was full of fight. He was placed in the care of St Joseph's NICU and was loved by anyone who had the chance of meeting him. He overcame so much from the start, breathing on his own (but still kept on breathing machines for safety) to opening his eyes on 8/2/2020, wanting to so badly not only see the world but his Mommy (Nikki) and Daddy (Hector).
While all seemed to be going well and Keanu's progress was beyond exceeding expectations for a micro preemie, things took a sudden turn for the worst on 8/11/2020. Mommy and Daddy were called in immediately to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing but nothing the hospital was trying seemed to help. There was just nothing else they could do to save him.
Keanu's life was short but he made a tremendous impact on not only the lives of my family but those that knew his story. He reminded us all that life is precious. The joy he brought during a time when the world is so uncertain and scary, is something beyond measure.
We find some peace and comfort knowing that Keanu knew nothing but love in his time on earth with us. While we wish things would have been different, we will carry on his memory forever.
Now Keanu's Mommy and Daddy are trying to piece their hearts and lives together, so we are asking for help in any way you can to cover costs of hospital, memorial service and just peace of financial mind. My family and I appreciate everyone's prayers, love and support during this very difficult and emotional time.
Thank you, Keanu for all that you did and all the hearts you touched. For teaching us that there is fight in all of us no matter how big or small.
While all seemed to be going well and Keanu's progress was beyond exceeding expectations for a micro preemie, things took a sudden turn for the worst on 8/11/2020. Mommy and Daddy were called in immediately to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing but nothing the hospital was trying seemed to help. There was just nothing else they could do to save him.
Keanu's life was short but he made a tremendous impact on not only the lives of my family but those that knew his story. He reminded us all that life is precious. The joy he brought during a time when the world is so uncertain and scary, is something beyond measure.
We find some peace and comfort knowing that Keanu knew nothing but love in his time on earth with us. While we wish things would have been different, we will carry on his memory forever.
Now Keanu's Mommy and Daddy are trying to piece their hearts and lives together, so we are asking for help in any way you can to cover costs of hospital, memorial service and just peace of financial mind. My family and I appreciate everyone's prayers, love and support during this very difficult and emotional time.
Thank you, Keanu for all that you did and all the hearts you touched. For teaching us that there is fight in all of us no matter how big or small.
Organizer and beneficiary
Wendy Grayson
Phoenix, AZ
Nicole Imperial