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Red List Album

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Hello everyone,


I am composer and reedman Brian Landrus and since I was a young child, I’ve been passionate about two things; music and animals. This project combines those interests.


I am seeking your support to record, mix, master, manufacture, and promote RED LIST, a new album which is dedicated to 11 of the most vulnerable species in our world. This is my 11th album as leader and I wrote 11 new songs, one for each of these precious creatures on the cusp of extinction. 20% of all proceeds, and 100% profit will be sent to the incredible organization Save The Elephants, who has been active for nearly 30 years helping to ensure a future for African Elephants. I have always been an animal lover and my hope is that this project will have a positive impact on the awareness needed to help preserve our world.  Everyone who donates $50 or more will be sent a free CD when the album is released.  Everyone's name who donates to this cause will also be included in the CD and Vinyl liner notes. 


The 11 animals are:




Leatherback Turtle

Sumatran Rhinoceros

African Elephant

Snow Leopard


Malayan Tiger

Sea Otter



The band is full of incredible musicians who are some of the most acclaimed and unique artists in the jazz world. The band consists of a core sextet plus special guests:


Ryan Keberle - trombone

Nir Felder - guitar

Geoffrey Keezer - Rhodes, organ, piano, synths

Lonnie Plaxico - electric and acoustic bass

Rudy Royston - drums

Me - bass clarinet, bari sax, c flute, alto flute, bass flute


Special guests:

Jaleel Shaw - alto sax

Ron Blake - tenor sax

Steve Roach - trumpet

Corey King – vocals

John Hadfield - percussion


Robert Livingston Aldridge - producer

Herschel Garfein - producer

Jinsil Lee - producer

Mike Marciano - recording engineer


We recorded the music on August 11 & 12 at Samurai Studios in NYC, and now need your help to complete the album mixing, mastering, manufacturing, and promotion.   We will be releasing the album in early 2022.


I hope you will join me in helping to record RED LIST  while working to build awareness and raise money for these precious creatures. The Vaquita, for instance, is a small porpoise which was only discovered in 1958 and lives in the waters off the coast of Baja California in Mexico. Scientists believe that only 8 Vaquitas are alive today, since nearly all have been killed by fishing nets. These precious creatures desperately need our help.


Thank you very much for your generosity!







Brian Landrus
Brooklyn, NY

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