Heage Windmill - Help keep our sails turning
Hi, my name is Roger Hatcher, and I am the Chair of The Friends of Heage Windmill and a Trustee of Heage Windmill Society.
Heage Windmill is the last stone-towered six-sailed windmill in England and the only working windmill in Derbyshire. Completed in 1797 and fully restored in 2002, the windmill sits atop a hill looking towards the Derwent Valley World Heritage Site. Traditional stoneground flour is usually available and visitors can take a fascinating guided tour experiencing the world of mills and milling.
Maintained and operated by unpaid volunteers, Heage Windmill receives no direct external funding relying on the income from visitors and donations. Repairs and restoration costs are inevitably high, sometimes running into six figures.
Your generous donation will help to ensure that Heage Windmill continues to provide a popular visitor experience that educates and entertains. Other than this website's small administration costs, your donation will be used to maintain and develop a windmill where thousands of visitors each year experience life as it used to be and witness how green energy was used in a bygone era.
Thank you.
Heage Windmill Society