Support Didsbury Good Neighbours
Offering support and friendship, Didsbury Good Neighbours is a local charity whose aim is to provide neighbourly support for older people. We do this with a volunteer befriending service, practical help and a program of social activities.
Your donations will ensure members of our older community are less isolated and are accessing services that alleviate loneliness and promote positive mental and physical wellbeing.
We offer an array of weekly activities ranging from Coffee Morning, Film Club to Exercise Classes as well as social events which keep people engaged and connected with their community.
How you can help
As well as making a financial contribution, you could become one of our volunteers or befrienders. Both play a vital role in positively changing the lives of our older community members who face the daily challenges of loneliness.
We are always looking for volunteer drivers who wish to help transport our members to and from weekly activities in Didsbury Park.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
For further information, either please visit our website at www.didsburygoodneighbours.org.uk or come along to
The Didsbury Neighbourhood Centre in Didsbury Park
and speak to one of the team.
Jamie Richardson
Didsbury Good Neighbours