Gortys and Sasha's Vet Fund
Having just extricated myself from CareCredit debt after a rough year of me breaking a tooth, a couple rat tumors, and an accident, I took Gortys and Sasha in for what I was hoping would be simple tumor removals.
But Gortys had an upper respiratory infection, which required x-rays and medication. When she was well enough for surgery, her medical needs were even more complicated. Within a week, she had more tumors and bleeding, which prompted a spay. The girls are feeling a lot better, and I was able to put the bill on CareCredit. But it's a sudden expense (after I had to replace four bald tires a month ago and my seasonal job ending soon) I feel overwhelmed by -- and Gortys may need further treatment.
Gortys and Sasha are sweet rats. They are a year and a half old, and both their parents are nearing two and a half. Gortys was half the size of her siblings as a pup. I didn't think she'd survive past two weeks old. But she doesn't give up for anything.
I need to raise the money to pay my bill within six months. If I can pay it off sooner, it will be a great relief as I am scrambling to find a job and pay my rent.
It was brought to my attention that GoFundMe doesn't take PayPal. You can donate directly to
I am also making custom jewelry as a fundraiser. For more information, visit this page .