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Coffee for Honduran Kids!

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Gospel Ranch Honduras is a young and growing Children's Home in the mountains of Honduras.  We concentrate on loving, caring, and raising children who, specifically, do not qualify for the very short government adoption list, but for whatever reason are unable to live with their birth families.  These precious ones are lost in the middle ground and are waiting for someone to care, to give, to reach out and love them.
What is Coffee for Honduran Kids?  It's simple.  Every dollar that you give is an investment into the longterm future of Gospel Ranch; namely, all of the children that we are able to take in.  Through funding a 24-acre coffee project, you are directly enabling the Ranch to have it's own direct source of annual income.
Presently, however, we are having to turn away new potential placements.  Please get involved!  Help us develop more than just an account with money. Empower us to provide for up to 30 children in a loving FAMILY environment.  Every child deserves to know a father and mother and the attention that only a bonded family can give.

We live in the perfect environment to grow rich shade-grown Honduran coffee!  Help make this picture a 24-acre reality of income generating farm land in the cloud rainforests of Central America.

Gospel Ranch Honduras is a branch of Ascend International Ministries, Inc. (AIM) located in the heartland of Kansas.


Kevin S. Goodwin
Derby, KS

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