"Grace is ready for new wheels"
Grace is a 4.5-year-old bundle of joy born on 11th Dec 2015. She has a happy go lucky nature and enjoys her life in the same way as any other 4 year old does, plays with her brothers, eats Nutella with bread for breakfast, enjoys her time with her family, and lives every day of her life to her fullest capacity.
When Grace turned 3 years old, she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder ADCY5 related Dyskinesia, which affects one in a million people. Grace is a sharp child as her disability does not affect her mental abilities, but Grace is faced with significant daily struggles, as she cannot sit or walk independently. She needs full assistance with personal care and eating. Despite this, she always remains happy and joyful throughout the day.
Grace is an optimistic girl who is determined to keep going, as she goes for her weekly physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Feldenkrais, and conductive education and attends intensive therapy session at NAPA (Neurological paediatric therapy centre) whenever possible. She loves going to these sessions, as her cheerful nature helps her socially engage with the people she meets.
With her endless determination, she is growing fast, increasing her vocabulary, gaining strength, and achieving mobility.
Her next goal is to be able to engage with her peers independently. For this, she needs two wheelchairs, one automatic and one manual, which would enable her to move around on her own and help her associate with the kids, her age, independently.
Aspirante foundation is determined to help Grace in her pursuit of a “more independent happy childhood” as we passionately believe that “Everyone’s life is of equal value, and want to help give our little Grace the same chance as other kids her age.
Together we can make her dream a reality, by supporting her cause by donating to the Aspirante foundation. Any contribution would be of incredible help to our Grace attain the mobility she needs to better enable her independence as a spirited child that she is.
From every dollar you donate to our foundation, 90 cents will go to our little Grace. Your support would also enable you to a charitable contribution deduction against your income tax, and help our little Grace get the kid’s sized wheelchairs, that she needs.
Finally, we want to thank everyone for taking the time to read Grace’s story and for being her well-wisher! An amazing soul like grace will surely move ahead in life, but your support might just help accelerate that process.
When Grace turned 3 years old, she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder ADCY5 related Dyskinesia, which affects one in a million people. Grace is a sharp child as her disability does not affect her mental abilities, but Grace is faced with significant daily struggles, as she cannot sit or walk independently. She needs full assistance with personal care and eating. Despite this, she always remains happy and joyful throughout the day.
Grace is an optimistic girl who is determined to keep going, as she goes for her weekly physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Feldenkrais, and conductive education and attends intensive therapy session at NAPA (Neurological paediatric therapy centre) whenever possible. She loves going to these sessions, as her cheerful nature helps her socially engage with the people she meets.
With her endless determination, she is growing fast, increasing her vocabulary, gaining strength, and achieving mobility.
Her next goal is to be able to engage with her peers independently. For this, she needs two wheelchairs, one automatic and one manual, which would enable her to move around on her own and help her associate with the kids, her age, independently.
Aspirante foundation is determined to help Grace in her pursuit of a “more independent happy childhood” as we passionately believe that “Everyone’s life is of equal value, and want to help give our little Grace the same chance as other kids her age.
Together we can make her dream a reality, by supporting her cause by donating to the Aspirante foundation. Any contribution would be of incredible help to our Grace attain the mobility she needs to better enable her independence as a spirited child that she is.
From every dollar you donate to our foundation, 90 cents will go to our little Grace. Your support would also enable you to a charitable contribution deduction against your income tax, and help our little Grace get the kid’s sized wheelchairs, that she needs.
Finally, we want to thank everyone for taking the time to read Grace’s story and for being her well-wisher! An amazing soul like grace will surely move ahead in life, but your support might just help accelerate that process.
Fran Killoway
Haymarket, NSW
Aspirante Foundation