Seeking a Loan to overcome houselessness
Donation protected
Hi dear earth family
Due many challenges ive been homeless since 2015 , this winter (2022 to 2023 ) will be my fourth winter sleeping on the street/trees/caves cardboard boxes etc. unless a i can aquire a loan of support for accomodation to recover and be able work again.
My intention is a loan of support by those who can comfortably miss it. i am then going to refund all donations when stabalized.
my physical health is in critical condition.
i have severe cptsd and daily panic attacks since 2012 that have only gotten worses (since 2018 ive been in a state of perpetual panic) symptoms of brain tumor (cant afford a confirming scan)
most teeth are extremely erroded, leading to unbearable pain when eating. (sometimes i bite in something and nearly faint) i cant even expose them to air without pain hence have to make sure i sleep with closed mouth.
ive had a lung infection since 2018 , that is four years now battling this daily (infectious matter keeps surfacing and its not getting better)
diabetes , i cant tolerate sugar without feeling strongly disoriented with mindfog and strong panic/anxiety. unfortunately i depend mostly on sugar for survival hence i just live with that feeling of 'im about to go insane'.
also have had heart condition (born with it) however since 2018 it worsened, often sudden recurring angina . haven't been able to sleep on the left side for 4 years now (if i do the heart pain increases to unbearable)

*above picture from the winter of 2020 when i wrote the following:
my vitality already wasnt great beforehand yet now its nearing the life threatening zone.
i live from garbage remains or anything else i can find.
every day i wake up nauseated from exhaust gasses by sleeping so close to the road.
im also seeing stars every morning (sign of extended sleep deprivation)
however this enclosure is the only free spot i found , the parks are guarded at night.
(its also rather unsafe here, i had 4 life threatening attempts, some of them: 1 homeless man started throwing huge rocks when i walked by (probably mentally unstable)
and an army of police officers was threatening to shoot me because i was undercooling one night hence i entered the hallway of a random building to warm up, apparently there were cameras because i was suddenly surrounded by armed cops pointing loaded gunds, they treated me like a criminal when I was clearly just a homeless dude trying not to freeze to death)
If half of the goal of this fundraiser is reached i can already significantly recover.
However know that a few usd is already of massive nutritional support! (a few times 70c for a bottle of drinking water has literally saved my life.)
*update 2 March
. my health is not great but still alive
i still pray to find a place to stay.
Thanks for considering your precious support.
If I survive i look forward to share the support forward with people in similar challenges one day.
for clarity, i dont use narcotics drugs or alcohol hence wont waste funds on this. (never used drugs in my life)
i try to find food from only the bins of organic stores because if getting sick while already half freezing here survival is slim.
Thanks for your precious time if you read this far may you be blessed abundantly in all ways

often a struggle to attain 23 cents for water
months of severe sleep deprivation often lead me to delerious states

James 1:2-4 ESV
2 "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing"
background story: ( optional read)
I have lived like a nomad most my life because i could never find a home ,hence been fully or partially homeless since 2002
this is also because i couldn't work due to chronic fatigue which i got while in highschool in 2002, this lasted for 12 years where i could barely do anything at all. i needed at least 14 hours of sleep per day to have the energy to move and when awoke i couldnt function, had to sit down to recover after walking a few minutes
had to find a way to survive somehow, often while relocating in the hope of finding a more supportive location.
i lived and slept on the streets, for 1 year in 2016 in Athens and nearly died countless times in that period.
now in 2020 im still recovering from diseases i picked up on the highly unsanitary streets there, like scabies, a small mite species that bores tunnels under the skin and literally eats humans alive.
i had tear open the skin every day in an attempt to wash them away in the sea,
it only helped a for a few hours before the painful mad driving itching resumed.
eventually ivermectin tablets helped
luckily the chronic fatigue has been reduced in the last couple years.
however 2 years ago, end 2018, i started getting ill again, with severe heart pain/ attacks plus strong vertigo and disorientation almost 24/7.
i could barely sleep because it felt like i was on a rollercoaster when laying down.
for almost 2 years now ive been in a state of pretty much permanent anxiety, with around 10 panic attacks every hour depending on the day.
its a strange almost unexplainable condition were almost all feelings are absent except for terror.
during the last 20yrs ive often been suicidal however this increased lately due to the sheer insanity of all the symptoms combined
which had me lightheaded and feel like i was about to faint many times during the day.
i also have strong food allergies, many foods give an asthmatic response and/or incite the vertigo, mindfog/disorientation and the " im going insane" type feeling with panic.
there are potential liver, pancreas and brain tumors that could explain it but i cant afford an MRI scan to test.
i also have severe teeth erosion and infection, partially because i followed a vegan diet for 17yrs.
i cant find a loan to afford the tools or medicine required because i had to take many small loans during these 2 decades for bare survival needs. by now im around 25k in debt. hence no official instance would even consider their lowest loan.
due to inability to refund the loans i will had to unsuscribe from the government to save the my families house from being confiscated
*update proof from November 2021:
they went for a confiscation event

I have requested for support from countless churches, institutions, farms , homeless centers etc
to no avail.
hence there is no way for me to reach for support besides creating this gofundme for the public awareness.
Thanks for reading ️
this is my 2nd gofundme for a farm:
Jonathan Roos