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Grant's Missions Trip To Uganda

Donación protegida
Our son, Grant Ace  , is going on a Missions Trip to Uganda, Africa from June 8-18, 2018. He will be serving on a team with a program called "U-Lead" from an Evangelical Church in Pa. He and his team have spent two summers prior preparing for this trip. They will be leading the entire ministry once in Africa. His team will be sharing the love of Christ with children in a village called Mukono through the church "Blessed Christian Church". The team consists of 8 teens who will be traveling across the world with 3 adults to spread the Gospel through a Vacation Bible School Program led by  the teens. 
    Grant will be leading Worship with another teen as they help the children to be ushered into the presence of the Lord. There will also be a building project that they will be endeavoring to complete while they are in Uganda. This trip will benefit the precious children of Mokono, Africa as these teens become the hands and feet of Jesus to them. The community will also benefit from the building project. 
    As you can imagine this trip is not just pocket change and will be requiring support from others, like you, our friends & facebook family! We would be deeply blessed to have your financial & PRAYER support for our son, Grant, as he goes to share Jesus with those in Uganda.
    Please drop us a line in my inbox if you plan to commit to praying for Grant & team during the trip. which is June 8-18, 2018.
   *If you are financially supporting Grant, our funds needs to be in by March 10th, 2018 THANK YOU SO MUCH and GOD BLESS!! 

With Christ's Deep Love and for His Glory!
Robin & Jeff Ace (and Grant too :) )


  • Clint Ace
    • $11 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Johnathan Ace :)
    • $111 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Erin & Dan McAdoo
    • $30 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Aunt Cindy Purnell
    • $10 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Bobbie Dimick
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Robin Mong Ace
Knox, PA

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