Great Dane Puppy Brutally Attacked
I am starting this page to ask for help for my best friend (Sara Bernard) and her fiancé (Doug Sargent). I know that Sara would never ask for help so I decided to start this page on my own. Yesterday afternoon their 4 month old Great Dane puppy was attacked and mutilated by an adult pit bull in the parking lot of PetSmart... They took Sarge there to work on socializing him with other dogs , while they picked up his food. They had him on his leash, unloaded him from from their vehicle at the same time the other dog was walking towards them with its owners .. they asked if their dog was friendly and got along with others well, his owner replied “ oh yeah “ and proceeded to walk him over to their sweet puppy. Almost instantly, the pit bull latched onto Sarge’s face and jaw , not letting go at all , as his owners continuously struck the dog in the head , pleading with it to let go, The dog held on viscously for a good 3-4 minutes before it let go.. Sarge was laying in a puddle of his own blood, crying out in agony! They ran in to the store to get help by the employees at PetSmart. They brought out a cart and wheeled Sarge in the store for their vet to help them. It was then that they found out that the pit bull had a history of violence , and was actually a client of that vet . PetSmart had already classified the animal as extremely dangerous and not to be taken around people or other dogs in public! The police were onsite in minutes after one of the witnesses called during the horrific event.. The employees at Pet Smart helped them move sarge to the local emergency vet. Sarge needed multiple surgeries within the first 24 hours just to save his life. He had multiple blood transfusions because of the huge amount of bleeding he had done. The vet had never seen such facial injuries inflicted by another animal like this... all they wanted to do was take their happy puppy out in public. As you can imagine, the veterinary expenses are extremely high. So far the estimate is well over $10,000. Please considering donating to help to cover these costs. All contributions will help to alleviate some of the financial burdens his loving owners (Sara and Doug) incur during this devastating time. Thank you in advance for any contributions you can make.