Greater Europe Missions
Brothers & Sisters In Christ,
For the past several years, I have been teaming up with other experienced worship leaders to serve in different parts of Europe doing evangelical outreach - concerts, as a street musician, spontaneous spiritual conversations, sharing Jesus with refugees, and more. This summer, I have been invited to be a part of a service team, providing worship and technical support at the Greater Europe Mission (GEM) annual missions conference in Europe. GEM is a large missions organization, focused on making disciples and planting churches in Europe since the end of WWII.
(Above: Playing songs in a park with missionaries in Koln, Germany and having spiritual conversations.)
Although once steeped in Christianity, most of Europe has rejected or is even unaware of the gospel. Most European countries have less than 2% evangelical Christians. With the turmoil around the world, Europeans - especially the young generation and immigrants – are becoming more open to the gospel. GEM is committed to not only seeing Europeans come to Christ, but discipling them to be disciple-makers and church planters.
(Above: Playing music on the street corner in Chorweiler, Germany with missionaries and having spiritual conversations with locals.)
The GEM annual conference is a time of teaching, worship and encouragement for these long term and life time missionaries. For most, this is the only time they have an opportunity to join a large group of English-speakers, worshiping in their native language. For many, this is the breath of fresh air they need to continue in ministry.
(Above: Playing music in a courtyard of housing complexes with missionaries in Lodz, Poland. Residences come out to dance and bringing fruit for us, as we have spiritual conversations.)
Because the conference is designed for them to be a time of rest and rejuvenation, they rely on volunteers to run the technical aspects of the conference, as well as provide a strong worship team. We will spend our time serving them, overseeing the main conference sessions from early in the morning through the evening.
(Above: Our music team with missionaries in Holweide, Germany doing an outreach concert and picnic for the locals.)
(Above: Music team with missionaries performing an outreach concert in Lodz, Poland.)
My former church, Fellowship Bible Church, has been asked to organize this team of worship and tech leaders from different churches. I am honored that they have reached out to me to be a part of it. Each volunteer team member is required to raise their own support of $2700 which includes airfare, ground transportation, food and lodging. We have to raise this support as soon as possible. The dates are July 28 through Aug 4.
Would you consider investing in the gospel in Europe by making a tax-deductible offering? Even if you can’t help financially, please consider being a prayer partner. Prayers are invaluable.
If you'd rather support by writing a check, please send it Fellowship Bible Church 480 West Crossville Road Woodstock, GA 30075. Write in the memo Worship Team Mission 2018 (Kevin Wyglad). Do not write the check to me. Write it to Fellowship Bible Church.
Thank you for prayerfully considering,