Green Mountain School Initiative
Hello! Welcome to the Green Mountain Community School fundraiser.
Presently we are gathering funds to pay for our Development Application with Shoalhaven City Council. This is to secure a site for our school which we hope to open in 2024. It is estimated that the DA process will cost approx. $50K. We appreciate your support to help us meet this goal.
Here's more about our initiative:
Green Mountain Community School: Nurturing Inspired Learners
We are a progressive, independent school initiative based in the northern Shoalhaven offering holistic, experiential and outdoor learning that is child-led and grounded in Nature and Community.
We will teach and learn using the NSW Syllabus of the Australian Curriculum. What makes us different is how we teach it.
We cultivate a culture that supports children to develop compassion, creativity, connectedness and curiosity using holistic, open-ended, place-based and self-directed pedagogies.
Our goal is to provide children with an education that encompasses their whole ecology - place, community, culture, family, head, heart and hands. They leave us empowered to shape a sustainable future and create their place and purpose in the world.
We are aiming to start a small K-6 school in the region north of the Shoalhaven River, between the escarpment and the sea, encompassing the regions of Nowra-Berry-Gerringong. Longer-term, we hope to also extend into secondary schooling.
Feedback from Shoalhaven City Council, our First Nation Communities and potential families have so far been very positive with support from Mayor Amanda Finlay and over 170 families who have registered their interest.
Currently, we are working towards securing a school site and submitting a development application before applying for registration with the NSW Education Standards Board (NESA).
We are seeking financial support from our community to help make this dream a reality in the upper Shoalhaven Region.
+ We exist because as a burgeoning community, we recognise the immense challenges we are currently facing socially, economically and environmentally.
+ We want to do all we can to, not only equip children with the qualities and skills they’ll need to adapt and thrive in the future but also to contribute to a new paradigm of living that is sustainable, regenerative and harmonious for all people, starting with our beloved Shoalhaven community.
+ We feel that a holistic, progressive and non-secular alternative for schooling in the upper Shoalhaven Region will provide diversity within the education sector for families and children in our local area.
+ The working group holds a vision of creating not just a school, but a thriving community.
+ Developing respectful and collaborative relationships with local Elders and our First Nation community is a core value of our school.
+ We plan to provide bursary places for children from marginalised backgrounds.
+ We aim to support children to cultivate a clear understanding of who they are and where they fit in our rapidly changing world.
For more information on our Vision, Mission & Values - visit our website:
To register your interest, please submit your details on this form:
For all other enquiries, please email us at: [email redacted].au
Kind regards,
The Green Mountain Working Group.