Green Turtle Cay Humanitarian Aid
The original and primary focus of this GoFundMe page has been to raise funds to rebuild homes on Green Turtle Cay after Hurricane Dorian. However, due to the outbreak of Covid on the island, our primary focus now is on the health and well-being of the residents of Green Turtle Cay and neighboring communities until this crisis passes. Many families have been hit hard by Covid with many positive cases and many more people in quarantine. As a result, the Green Turtle Cay Clinic is in critical need of medical supplies at this time. We have been flying over medical supplies to the clinic on a regular basis. However, we will be increasing our efforts with targeted supplies for Covid treatment. Please donate whatever you can to help save lives.
In September 2019, Captain Brad and Lorraine Carlton, Kahlil Ali, and volunteers from the United Aid Foundation arrived on our boat, M/V Adventure, at Green Turtle Cay (GTC), Bahamas about 2 weeks after Hurricane Dorian. We transported about 15,000 pounds of food, cooking supplies, generators, gas, propane, tents and other gear to help provide food, water and other supplies to the island. We thought we would be there for 1-2 months. However, the level of devastation was way beyond anything we imagined or had ever seen.
Our mission evolved as we were able to connect with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and private individuals who donated food and supplies to keep our food kitchen, AKA the Adventure Café, in operation until Christmas of 2019. All in all, we provided approximately 50,000 hot meals to the residents of GTC. We also produced 2,000 gallons of R/O water per day from our boat to fill tanks used at the Adventure Café and by residents of the island.
We soon realized that we are in it for the long haul! After closing the Adventure Café in December 2019, our mission has switched to rebuilding homes and we started our Adopt-A-Home program. We decided to focus on those residents who cannot do this on their own due to financial or physical constraints. From January to March, 2020 we started rebuilding three homes that belong to widows on the island.
Our team of volunteers worked to get these three homes water tight and then started basic construction. Based on the needs of each home (and available funding), we repaired roofs, installed new windows and doors, gutted moldy sheetrock and replaced with new, replaced bathroom and kitchen fixtures, and replaced stairs and decking. One home is now in livable condition but the other two still need more work before the women can move back in. It is now over 1 ½ years since Hurricane Dorian and they still can’t move back into their homes. There is much that still needs be done such as install kitchen and bath cabinets, replace interior doors, painting, light fixtures, and flooring. If funding allows, we would also like to supply kitchen appliances. Funds will be primarily used for building supplies. We have construction crews from different non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) on standby who will provide most of the labor. We will also hire local help to work on an as needed basis when funds allow.
We had to return to the United States in April, 2020 due to Covid restrictions. We returned to Green Turtle Cay in November, 2020 to resume our work on the homes. We are currently raising more funds so we can continue with this worthwhile project and help these women move back into their homes.
See this link to read our prospectus which includes a description of each homeowner with pictures showing the devastation.
Team MV Adventure Adopt a Home
Also, see our Facebook Page www.facebook.com/teammvadventure
We do encourage you you visit the Facebook Pages below to get an idea on the current situation on Green Turtle Cay
Visit our Website at https://teammvadventure.com/ for more info
Please know that Team M/V Adventure is not an NGO or Non Profit Organization and donations are not Tax Deductible.