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Grocery fund for injured Social Circle FF's

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I am sure you have heard and seen by now of the wreck involving Social Circle Fire Dept Engine 6.  Many of us know the guys and know that they are dang good firemen and a great friend to have.  With that being said lets see if we can help them out as they will probably be out of work for a bit especially the driver.  It isn't much, but lets see if we can gather up some donations and get them and their family two gift cards for groceries.  It can help since we all know money is tight and especially if on limited pay from short term disability or other medical leave.  If you can donate great, if not it is all good and no pressure.  Just wanted to let them and their families know we all have their back and the fire dept Brotherhood is alive and strong.


  • Bill/Gail Towne
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Simon McCullough
Monroe, GA
Kimberly Damon-Richardson

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