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Fight for Kelly

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On Wednesday, November 21, 2018, my sister, Kelly Finn, received the news everyone prays they never have to hear; “you have cancer”. What started as a precautionary measure turned into a life changing diagnosis. Kelly has Stage 2B ER-, PR-, HER2+ Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. While we are all still processing everything, we do know that Kelly has a long road ahead of her. She has already started chemotherapy and will eventually need to undergo a mastectomy, if not a double mastectomy, depending on if the BRCA gene test conducted comes back positive. 

Due to the sense of urgency of the diagnosis, there has been little to no time to figure out the logistics of it all before beginning treatment. As you can imagine, we are all still in shock, especially Kelly. However, we have come together with only one thought and mindset; Cancer is tough, but Kelly is stronger. The amount of love and strength evident in Kelly’s life has shined through brighter than any shadow this diagnosis can try to cast on her. The power of positivity is an amazing thing. 

Her treatments will continue through November of next year and while undergoing them, Kelly will not be able to work, so she is in need of financial support during this difficult time. We still aren’t sure how much her insurance will cover, and with two small children at home (Jack, 5, and Emily, 4), we know she will need all the help she can get.

If you know Kelly, you know that she is one incredibly amazing human; she’s kind hearted, creative, beautiful, a devoted friend, incredibly strong and very passionate about her family. She’s a wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin and friend. She has a fire inside her unlike any I’ve ever seen; she’d never back down from standing up for those around her, gives without taking, and puts everyone before herself. She radiates positivity and lives every single day for the gift of the present and the beautiful life she has created around her.

I’m asking that you stand with Kelly and all of us as we fight this together. Any amount you can donate to her treatment and care after would be GREATLY appreciated. Every single dollar will go directly towards Kelly’s fight and recovery. And even if you can’t afford to donate, please believe in the power of positivity and send it Kelly’s way!


  • Anónimo
    • $75
    • 5 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Kristin Tedd
Syracuse, NY
Kelly Finn

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