Gym Dandies Unicycle to Philly
Doação protegida

"Practice Makes Everything Possible." ~ Jon Cahill, founder of The Gym Dandies
Imagine children of all ages riding unicycles as high as 8 feet tall, jumping rope while globe trotting, and performing outlandish tricks while juggling, spinning devil sticks and yes, riding unicycles. Now imagine doing all of this in front of large audiences and in national parades.
Welcome to the wonderful world of The Gym Dandies Children's Circus of Scarborough, Maine, the largest school‐based program of its type in the US.
This July 4, The Gym Dandies have been invited to perform in the 2018 Independence Day Parade in Philadelphia, PA. With countless hours of practice under their belts, The Gym Dandies are ready to represent the state of Maine once again at a national parade. The only thing left to do is pay for the trip.
Help The Gym Dandies Raise $15,000!
As an organization, we are trying to raise $15,000 to cover the cost of transporting 50 unicyclists to and from Philadelphia, and we need your help.
The Gym Dandies program is self‐supported and registration fees cover only 40% of regular operating expenses. These expenses include travel costs for participation in national parades. All funds raised will be used to defray the travel costs equally among all parade performers.
Over 200 kids participate in The Gym Dandies, ranging from 3rd grade through 12th. Not only do they develop great circus skills like unicycling, juggling and various feats of balance, but the more skilled performers teach the younger ones, displaying inspiring acts of mentorship and support that build enduring friendships and camaraderie.
"I like learning new things that are really fun to do," says Max, a seventh grader who has been with the Gym Dandies since the third grade. "It's just like this network of nice people, and you can make new friends."
More than 3,500 students have participated in the program since its inception in 1981.
The Gym Dandies are proud to have represented the state of Maine at the Macy's Day Parade in New York City, the 2013 Presidential Inauguration Parade, the National Cherry Blossom Parade in Washington, D.C. and the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Mass. They are also featured performers at the Yarmouth Clam Festival, the Kennebunk May Day Parade and Manchester, New Hampshire's St. Patrick's Day Parade.
They have also performed at hundreds of schools, community events and parades across New England as well as several benefits including the Ronald McDonald House, Walk for Haiti and the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital.
Help The Gym Dandies Get To Philadelphia For The 2018 Independence Day Parade!
Organizador e beneficiário
Margaret Logan
Scarborough, ME
Gym Dandies