Operation Rise Above- Backpack Drive
Tax deductible
The Sri Lankan Youth Organization (SLYO) is excited to solicit donations for our upcoming Operation Rise Above fundraisers.
Operation Rise Above (ORA) is an annual fundraiser conducted by SLYO that distributes school supplies and meals to underprivileged students around the US. SLYO's first iteration of ORA occurred in October 2020, in the San Fernando Valley. In this first year of the program, SLYO was able to distribute 1,000+ backpacks (cumulatively worth ~$2,000), school supplies valued at $1,500, and over 30,000 pounds of food to impoverished school children and families in the area.
Inspired by the success of this first fundraiser, we decided to turn this program into a recurring annual event. We hosted ORA II and III in June 2021, also in San Fernando Valley. This iteration was equally as successful as the first, and in partnership with Project Pursuit of Happiness (POH), we were able to distribute backpacks, school supplies, and toys to several under-resourced children, ranging from ages 2-3 to 17.
This year, we are committed to making ORA bigger and better than ever, and are excited to announce three separate counties where we will be running the program -- Los Angeles, Ventura County, located in California and lastly Montgomery County, MD.
How Your Donation Will be Used:
The donations raised allow us to provide children with backpacks, crayons/colored pencils, notebooks, binders, pencils, pens, and other school supplies. As the economic situation in the US worsens and families struggle to make ends meet, families will rely on Operation Rise Above to provide their children with the resources to excel in their education. SLYO firmly believes that children shouldn't be forced to pause their education, and parents should not have to choose between putting food on the table or buying school supplies.
SLYO's vision is structured around encouraging youth to reach their full potential, giving them the tools they need to become future leaders and positively impact the world. Operation Rise Above is now a key piece of how we achieve that vision and enables us to uplift underprivileged youth from their circumstances by supporting their education.
We invite you all to join us in our mission! Whether donating, volunteering or serving, we know you can make a difference in the lives of these youth. Please help us to reach our goal, so we can show these communities that we are here for them!
The Sri Lankan Youth Organization (SLYO) is a 501(c)(3) global nonprofit headquartered in the US that aims to harness the power of community to inspire youth to lead by giving back to the world around them. SLYO was founded in 2011 in California and has since expanded to various regions worldwide, with additional chapters in the UK, Canada, and Sri Lanka. Over the past decade, SLYO has funded many community development projects in the most rural areas of both Sri Lanka and the United States, focusing on underprivileged schools and low income families. Instead of sending donations or supplies, we take time to create relationships with local educational leaders to determine the specific needs of the community or group and then build a fundraiser around that need. As a result, we see each project from conception to delivery by ensuring that funds are spent on their intended purpose, and no external third party takes advantage of the kindness of our patrons. We are proud to say that SLYO youth have taken a step to create meaningful change.
No political affiliations.
Website: Sri Lankan Youth Organization
Join us on Facebook: SLYO
Check us out on Instagram: SLYO WORLD
SLYO 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
Rockville, MD
Sri Lankan youth organization