Transportation for Junie
Donation protected
Jr was born on July 11, 2005. Little did we know then how our lives would be forever changed.
Immediately after birth he was taken to the NICU where he was stabilized and we were informed of the challenges that were ahead.
After several days of testing it was decided that Jr had had a stroke in utero, which caused a massive brain bleed.
Jr was diagnosed with the following:
Thrombocytopenia requiring several blood transfusions
Cortical blindness/optic nerve atrophy
Hydrocephalus requiring shunting
Cerebral Palsy
Sensory Processing Disorder
He would need shunted ASAP, but first his platelet counts would need to stabilize to allow for surgery.
Amazingly, he pulled through and after 17 long days he was strong enough to come home.
Having Jr home was great! He was child #4 and although seasoned parents, we felt lost. After a few weeks things seemed to settle and everyone was in a routine.
Around 9 weeks of age, Jr was strong and stable enough for shunt surgery. Sending him off was one of the hardest things I had ever done as a Mother. A couple hours later he was out of surgery and doing well. Little did we know this would be the first of several surgeries in this precious little boy’s life.
All was well for many months, considering all of Jr's conditions. He was difficult to nurse because of his head circumference, but we managed to pump breast milk and bottle-fed him for many months. He struggled with typical baby milestones, but we reveled in the little successes!
At around 18 months of age, his initial shunt failed and we found ourselves in surgery again. I'd like to say this one was easier than the first, but the realization that this could and would occur again was beyond scary. Sending your child through those unknown doors is never easy.
Again he was returned to us safely though.
Months would pass and Jr would grow as we did with him.
During the spring of 2010 Jr was also diagnosed with an unspecified seizure disorder after we awoke to him seizing. A hospital stay and many tests later, we emerged with another diagnosis and a prescription for long term seizure control.
Summer of 2010, we took a vacation out of state to Tennessee to visit Gramma. After a great trip it was sadly time to venture back home to Michigan. The morning started out different. Jr was vomiting which was not common for him at all. Thinking it was just the beginning of a flu bug, we decided it was best to still head the 12 hours home as we would be most comfortable there. Less than 2 hours down the road it was painfully clear something just wasn't right with Jr. We were near Nashville, Tn, and took a detour to the hospital to get checked out. What was intended to be a quick trip in for maybe some IV fluids and a prescription morphed into 7 long heart-wrenching days. In those days, Jr's health would take a nosedive to the point we were knocking on Heaven's door. Doctors were miffed and on day 7 released us without conclusive answers, and with a still very sick Jr.
A couple hundred miles down the road, near Indianapolis Jr went even further downhill. We thought he was seizing and made a quick stop and contacted Riley Children's Hospital. An ambulance was sent for him as we followed. The ER team there quickly said he was not having seizures, but called the activity posturing. Jr was slipping away. He was ripped from us and taken to surgery before the ink was dry on the consent forms.
Again, he would emerge safely to us with a whole new shunt system in place.
As Jr grew, typical baby equipment would become too small even though it was still needed. Car seats and strollers had weight limits and height/length restrictions.
At 9 years old, he has a specifically designed medical booster 5-point harness car seat.
He has a specifically designed wheelchair that we hope someday soon he will learn how to ambulate himself.
Jr also has a specifically designed medical walker/gait trainer that helps him practice stepping/walking skills.
When Jr was 2 years old, his Mom decided it was time to put herself through college and majored in Special Education. You see, she has a special soft spot for children with disabilities- even long before Jr was born!
In December of 2013 she graduated from Central Michigan University with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Special Education with a focus in Cognitive Impairments and a minor in Early Childhood Development. As if that didn't keep her busy enough, she is now a year into her Masters Degree at Northern Michigan University where she maintains a 3.9GPA.
Jr has a very loving family and many, many friends. His Dad works fulltime at a prison in St. Louis, Michigan and his Mom works fulltime at an elementary in Marquette, Michigan. He has 2 big sisters and 1 big brother.
Jr's parents are separated and Jr lives with his Mother and 2 big sisters. His Mom tries to do everything on her own, and works very hard. Finances are incredibly tight. Jr's Mom drives a 2001 Oldsmobile Silhouette that is falling apart. One of the slider doors doesn't shut appropriately and the wipers don't always work. It's leaking oil and transmission fluid rapidly- often requiring a quart of each at least weekly.
Jr desperately needs transportation that is safe and reliable to help get him to his many doctor appointments and therapies.
This is where his Mom is requesting assistance. Can you, will you help?

Danielle Marie
Marquette, MI