Nowlin Family Fund
Recently, Carl Nowlin (Third Grade Teacher at Wilshire Park) was diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. It's a degenerative disease that slowly prevents the muscles from responding to voluntary movements. Carl's legs are quite affected now, and his hands and fingers are starting to lose some dexterity. A scooter is being used by Carl while he teaches, as it is more and more difficult for him to walk.
Many people in our small community have asked, “What can I do to help?” In response, a GoFundMe account has been created to support Carl, his wife, Mauren, and their two small children, Alex and Lizzy.
The Nowlin family will use the fund in ways to make their lives a bit easier. Examples of this may include: modifications to their house to provide more accessibility, devices to help him with mobility, and possibly technology that will assist Carl in his home. Mauren, Carl's wife, will be the sole beneficiary of the funds collected to be able to make the changes and adaptations needed to make life easier for the family.
Thank you in advance for helping the Nowlin family adjust during this time. This has been a group effort to start this fund by many of Carl's friends at Wilshire Park to help the family in any way we can.
Please visit the Carl Nowlin Benefit Facebook page here to gather more information regarding the event:
We are looking for donations for the silent auction. If you would like to donate or have questions please send an e-mail to:
Think strong, be strong!