Hadrian’s Wall Challenge Trail (84 Miles)
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Phil, Steve, and I will be attempting the 84-mile Hadrian’s Wall Challenge Trail, which entails walking the whole length of the Wall over the course of four days.
Starting in Newcastle on 29th April, we will set out to walk approximately 20 miles every day, aiming to finish in Bowness-on-Salway on 2nd May.
Approximately only 50% of the people who attempt this challenge finish it – and we will do our utmost to be in that group.
This trek across the UK – coast to coast, following the site and remains of Hadrian’s Wall, is not an easy task. We will cover the journey come rain, shine or worse and not being the most obvious athletes it will certainly test our mettle.
It will inevitably be a battle of endurance for us and we anticipate pain of cramp, blisters and fighting against the elements but we want to take this opportunity as part of our Cisco Time2Give and raise funds for a charity whose goals are close to all of our hearts.
We would wish that our challenge will raise funds for children afflicted with cancer. Many of us have friends, family, or perhaps even themselves, suffering with this terrible disease.
Therefore, we would kindly ask for your generous support for Children with Cancer UK, as it strives to aid both the young cancer patients and their families in their time of need.
We decided to set up a single donation page for all three of us. We will ourselves cover all the costs of attempting the trail (such as transport, accommodation, and comestibles), so that all the proceedings (minus GoFundMe’s fees), including GiftAid if applicable, shall go towards Children with Cancer UK.
If you would like to know more about Children with Cancer UK and the charity’s activities, please see below:
Children with Cancer UK (Reg Charity No 298405)
From the bottom of our hearts, a sincere “thank you” to anyone who supports us in this endeavour!
Kind Regards,