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Haiku medical radial surgery

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Hi I’m Margaret i am the owner of haiku
he is my baby boy and i love and care for him so much, he recently broke his left radial bone and the surgery is 6,500 it’s a lot of money he his a happy and hyper little pompoo with all the love he can give.
i hate asking for help but paying for this will have my struggling to pay for anything else if I could receive some help I would be so appreciative
Hi my name is Margaret I’m the furmom to Haiku he my little baby and I love him a lot he has two siblings fred and ms chonks.
he recently broke his left radial bone that holds all of his weight, I paid for his emergency room visits but they gave me an estimate on how much his surgery will be it’s hard because I’ll do anything for him but it’s so expensive and I don’t know how I’ll pay for anything else for a while. I hate asking for help with anything especially from strangers but anything would be very much appreciated ❤️


Margaret Mayberry
Norfolk, VA

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