Donations for Labourer who gave away HAJJ SAVINGS
The best Eid present ever!
Farm labourer Abdurrahman Goodinabali and his wife were planning a pilgrimage to Hajj next year.
When the Covid-19 crisis hit India they showed huge generosity in selflessly donating all their savings to
feed the poor during the Covid lockdown.
I have managed to track down Mr Goodinabali’s Son to find a local Mufti has agreed to finance his fathers
trip to Hajj, Alhamdulillah. That leaves the farmers wife, Mrs Goodinbali.
Let’s give this family the best Eid present ever and repay their selfless generosity by raising the money
needed for them to fulfill their long held dream together.
“The charity you give will be your shade on the Day of Judgement” Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Once the target has been reached, I’ll transfer the funds to their son.
Any additional money raised will be donated to poor families seeking to make the pilgrimage to Hajj.
Let’s seek success in this blessed month of Ramadan, Insha’Allah.
Please contribute anything you possibly can and ensure you share this link with everyone you know.
The more people that see it, the more likely we are to reach our goal, Insha’Allah.