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In Memory: Hammerin' Hank the Tank

Donación protegida
Henry David Bailey touched the lives of so many of us in his short time here. Born six weeks early, his little body never started functioning properly. Doctors are still at a loss about why he was so sick.

Any donations will be used for the various expenses that came so unexpectedly. Travel to and from the hospital, hotel rooms, medical expenses, funeral costs, and anything else they may need to pay for during this difficult time.

I know that any contribution will be recieved with gratitude and extreme appreciation! I love the Bailey's and have struggled to know how best to help. As a friend of the family living too far away to give hugs and share my love in person, this is how I've felt we can all reach out in love and support of this strong, incredible family.

Please share so that we can ease this monetary burden for Shelbi, Andy and their families.


  • Marcia and Roger Shanor Family
    • $100
    • 8 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Larissa Macfarlane
Buena Vista, VA
Shelbi Bailey

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe