Hammers & Angels 2019
For the past 6 years CQL-2000 along with Wille B from KBPI have helped coordinate volunteers for Hammers & Angels to do much needed repairs and/or renovations to a nominated family's home in the metro area. The local KBPI listening community nominates a family that they feel would benefit from this service. It is very important that anyone and everyone donating to this cause understands that all of the professional skilled volunteers donates their time 100%. No money is earned or collected for any of the professional services they provide. All materials are donated by the companies these individuals work for (or are owners of the company) and some donations come from local business and individuals. With the increased need for this fundraiser, and the rising cost of materials, we would like to extend the opportunity to you to make a donation that will strictly be used to purchase any materials/items that we cannot get donated. Please read some of the testimonies of the beneficiaries of past year's Hammers & Angels projects. It will warm your heart and make you want to be a part of this annual giving.
This is a true HAND UP - NOT A HAND OUT!
Hammers and Angels is a non-profit organization operating under the Willie B Foundation and any donations are 100% tax deductible.