Help Rebuild Han Cholo
As some of you may have heard, our beloved friends at Han Cholo had their office in Atwater Village robbed and vandalized.
Two unidentified men broke into the Han Cholo office mid-afternoon on April 11 (Genevieve's Birthday) by cutting a hole in the barbed wire fence and smashing open a back-window.
They destroyed every square inch of the office and grabbed ALL items of value:
- A large collection of every piece of jewelry produced by Han Cholo over the past 15 years (an estimated value of over $400k)
- Countless amount of Han Cholo inventory to fulfill orders
- All staff iMac computers and hard drives that are essential to doing their jobs
Brandon, Genevieve, and the entire team have poured their lives' into Han Cholo. This isn't just a business it's their home, their livelihood, their entire world. Not only did the thieves steal all their inventory and work essentials, they also stole pieces that are very near and dear to everyone working at Han Cholo.
- Hundreds of incredibly rare collectible toys and artwork that Brandon has dedicated his entire life acquiring
- Highend music equipment: turntables, mixer, amps, guitars, keyboards
They've endured a tragedy like this before over 10+ yrs ago when they lost everything in an apartment fire, only to spend the last 10+ years rebuilding and losing it all over again. Needless to say, this hits incredibly hard knowing they've lost everything they tried to rebuild. This loss also affects their hardworking and dedicated team; Gian, Lauren and Zedadiah. Without the tools and inventory needed, these sweet souls will be deeply impacted as well.
Genevieve and Brandon would never start a fundraiser on their own, but after learning that the insurance company isn't going to help, we as friends and family decided to step in and set something up. The donations collected here will help them recover the costs of business and personal assets that were lost in the robbery.
We understand this a hard time for people to donate money, however, if you can help with your time we're asking everyone to scour reselling sites and/or pawn shops to try to find some of their lost possessions. This will aid the police in tracking down the suspects. We expect some of these items to show up on sites like: eBay, Craigslist, Letgo, Offerup, Facebook, etc...
You can find a detailed list of the missing items here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B_yuv1_84IgBAEGFzz7bzCYHHVn5h1sFgguvLDZZjuI/edit#gid=572547043
(First tab is a list of stolen items, second tab is where we are tracking possible leads)
You can also help by sharing photos of the suspects across social media to help identify and find these men (photos below).
We all know how selfless and loving these two are, so lets band together and help our family rebuild.