Hannah’s fight against fentanyl
Donation protected
In a few days on October 30th, my daughter, Hannah should be celebrating her 21st birthday, but instead, we will be remembering her life on her fifth Heavenly Birthday. As many of you already know, my daughter, Hannah died from fentanyl poisoning in July 2019. It’s been over four years and we are still waiting for her killer to be brought to Justice. We won’t have to wait much longer. We were fortunate enough to get a case against her killer, most people aren’t as fortunate as we are, only about 1% of the people who die from fentanyl poisoning in Arizona gets their killer/killers brought to Justice. Arizona laws against fentanyl dealers are very lenient, and even though Hannah’s case has made it this far, her killer may only get a few years behind bars. In the meantime, these killers get to walk the streets free until the judge comes up with a sentencing, which can be as lenient as probation. We’ve been fighting this fight for over four years, that in itself is way too long to allow these dealers so much more time to kill more people. I am joining forces with other families to bring awareness to our lawmakers, get their attention, and make changes to Arizona and national laws. So, to honor Hannah this year on her birthday, I am asking for support to help me on my quest to kick fentanyl in the butt. Campaigning for anything costs money. This is all new to me, so to start, I’m wanting to get Hannah’s face out there by putting her on billboards, getting yard signs, and literature made, and organizing rallies here in Southern Arizona. I know there will be much more to come. I’ve recently met some incredible people who have also lost a son or daughter to fentanyl poisoning, most of them will never see justice for their child and it just isn’t fair. Hannah had her whole life ahead of her, and she was taken way too soon. My goal here is to “Be The Change”. Any help and support would be greatly appreciated.
Danya Ayers
Vail, AZ