Kim's 50th Birthday Wish
Tax deductible
I am trying to raise $50,000 in honor of my 50th birthday for a very special, grass-roots non-profit organization called Diabetes Solutions of Oklahoma. DSOK was formed as a 501(c)3 in 2000 by several people who wanted to improve the lives of people with diabetes in Oklahoma. Today, DSOK has accomplished great things for hundreds of individuals and families affected by type 1 diabetes in Oklahoma and surrounding states.
However, DSOK desperately needs your help to not only thrive, but to survive, and grow. Money raised through this birthday campaign will help to secure the future of DSOK by hiring a person or group to help manage the business aspects of a non-profit organization and to help stabilize our organization in this uncertain, competitive world.
On August 19, 2017, I will be 50 years old. I realize that many people turn 50, and you may be wondering what makes me so special. When I turn 50, I will have been living with type 1 diabetes for nearly 45 years.
Who knew that I could have lived such an eventful and meaningful life while dealing with all of the ups and downs and ins and outs that go along with living life with type 1 diabetes? And amazingly, not in spite of my diabetes, but BECAUSE of my diabetes. Miracle? No. Good luck? Possibly. Good genes? Probably. Hard work? Yes… sometimes. By the Grace of God? Definitely.
If you don’t know me, my name is Kim Boaz-Wilson. I have lived in Oklahoma for the last 34 years. I was born in Battle Creek, Michigan and moved to St. Louis, Missouri, at age 2. Although I feel as though my heart is often tied to St. Louis, my home is in Oklahoma and I believe with all of my silly quirks, I am an “Okie” now.
Throughout most of my life, I have “mothered” people… friends, relatives… everyone. I often think I am much funnier than others think. I freely speak my mind and have been known to say a thing or two simply for shock value. I fight for the underdog. I protect those who need protecting and I give freely of myself to those in need. I live a rather conservative lifestyle yet in my mind I am a bohemian- like free spirit. These are the duality of me.
As a child with type 1 diabetes, I remember feeling like no one understood me, except for possibly my sister, who also had type 1 diabetes. I am, however, referring to the health care professionals who cared for me. I thought for sure that I was the only kid who hid candy under her pillow or lied about her blood sugar results to hide the fact that she had eaten way too many donuts or ice cream bars. On the trip home from one doctor’s appointment I distinctly remember thinking, “When I grow up, I am going to take care of kids with diabetes and I hope I never make them feel bad for eating too much candy.” Of course, I never admitted to eating candy, but that is another story.
I hope you will not be surprised to learn that now that I am grown up, I am a registered nurse and Certified Diabetes Educator. I am also the diabetes camp director and executive director of Diabetes Solutions.
Here are a few of the things that DSOK does…
· Diabetes camping programs and learning opportunities for those of all ages who have type 1 diabetes.
· Diabetes education and ongoing support for children and their families newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
· Insulin pump and continuous glucose sensor training and support.
· Monthly newsletters offering information, guidance, articles of interest and more. It also includes a Diabetes Spotlight section where we shine the spotlight on someone living their lives despite diabetes. Many powerful stories are shared here.
· A1C Fund. Advancing 1’s Control with financial support for those trying to advance their diabetes control capabilities using technologies such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.
· Advocacy: involvement with the Oklahoma Legislative Diabetes Caucus.
· T1D Awards, Target 100 Campaign and so much more!
· To see more of the wonderful things we do, visit our website at www.dsok.net.
We have managed to keep Diabetes Solutions afloat for many years. We’ve never had excessive anything… but we always have enough to keep us going. Needless to say, it is difficult to grow an organization with limited financial resources and business savvy people.
Growing Diabetes Solutions would allow me and my wonderful part time staff to focus more on caring for those affected by type 1 diabetes and worry less about how we will pay the bills. There is so much yet to be done. Will you help me make this happen?
I have worked with hundreds of kids, teens and young adults who live each day of their lives poking their fingers to force a drop of blood out; giving countless injections or insulin pump site changes; feeling like they were on an overbearing rollercoaster when blood sugar levels swing from high to low and back again; listening to so many well intended friends, strangers and health care professionals offer unsolicited advice on how we should or should not be managing our diabetes. We are the same in so many ways; those who have type 1 diabetes and me.
As a diabetes educator and camp director, I have had the privilege of being a part of so many lives over the years, not only as a DSOK representative, but as a friend. I have attended birthday parties, weddings and baby showers. I’ve had countless kids and parents come to my home during evening hours and weekends to borrow diabetes supplies in a pinch. When parents have been afraid to leave their child with type 1 diabetes with a babysitter, a few of them have been left with me while moms and dads did what they needed to do. We are a strong community and I need your help to continue.
Hard work and dedication is what it takes to change culture, improve lives and be there for those affected by type 1 diabetes. My job is not a 9 to 5 job. If you have type 1 diabetes, there are times when you just wish you could pick up the phone and ask someone a question to help solve the problem at the moment. I am that person that many people call.
They say that as your life draws closer to the end many people wish they had done more for their family or spent more time smelling the flowers along the rocky paths of life rather than worked harder at their job. How blessed am I that what I do as a job, is such a huge part of who I am! People that I help are part of a family not defined by genetics. People with type 1 diabetes form bonds that last a lifetime and defy all barriers of race, religion, culture, economics or age.
Meanwhile, I have been married almost 15 years and have a 12 year old daughter, two step-sons and one step grandson. My family has been very supportive and very helpful in all things diabetes camp and Diabetes Solutions. They know that what I do is also part of who I am. They know that when my phone rings, it is likely a fearful parent who needs a pep talk about trying to navigate life with diabetes or a teen that is having a rough day, diabetes related or not.
I remember once, a camper asked me, “Kim, you spend so much time looking out for all of us and taking care of us, but who takes care of you?” It is not often that I am left speechless but I did not know how to answer this young friend. I shook my head, smiled and said, “Well… I don’t really know. I guess, I do.” He smiled and ran off to play, and as he was leaving, he yelled, “Let me know if you need any help with that.”
Today, I know I can’t do all of this on my own. I really need that wise camper’s help. I need everyone’s help to keep the campfires burning. With your help, more lives can be improved. More tears can be wiped away. More hands can be held and more gloomy clouds can be lifted. More kids and families can be given the opportunity to feel a part of a world that welcomes them with open arms rather than feeling like an outsider in a world where no one understands them or feeling shame related to a disease they did not ask for.
The day after I turn 50, my husband, who had no idea what he was getting into when he married me, will celebrate his 60th birthday. Together, we will be 110. I’d like to think that we have given 110% to this organization and all of those we serve. Now I am the one asking for help.
Please help me celebrate my 50th birthday by helping me raise $50,000 to help those who need it most. If you are a current donor to DSOK, the words I say are nothing compared to the gratitude I feel in my heart; thank you. If you are considering making a donation thank you for your generosity, support and love!
Until there’s a cure… there’s Diabetes Solutions!
However, DSOK desperately needs your help to not only thrive, but to survive, and grow. Money raised through this birthday campaign will help to secure the future of DSOK by hiring a person or group to help manage the business aspects of a non-profit organization and to help stabilize our organization in this uncertain, competitive world.
On August 19, 2017, I will be 50 years old. I realize that many people turn 50, and you may be wondering what makes me so special. When I turn 50, I will have been living with type 1 diabetes for nearly 45 years.
Who knew that I could have lived such an eventful and meaningful life while dealing with all of the ups and downs and ins and outs that go along with living life with type 1 diabetes? And amazingly, not in spite of my diabetes, but BECAUSE of my diabetes. Miracle? No. Good luck? Possibly. Good genes? Probably. Hard work? Yes… sometimes. By the Grace of God? Definitely.
If you don’t know me, my name is Kim Boaz-Wilson. I have lived in Oklahoma for the last 34 years. I was born in Battle Creek, Michigan and moved to St. Louis, Missouri, at age 2. Although I feel as though my heart is often tied to St. Louis, my home is in Oklahoma and I believe with all of my silly quirks, I am an “Okie” now.
Throughout most of my life, I have “mothered” people… friends, relatives… everyone. I often think I am much funnier than others think. I freely speak my mind and have been known to say a thing or two simply for shock value. I fight for the underdog. I protect those who need protecting and I give freely of myself to those in need. I live a rather conservative lifestyle yet in my mind I am a bohemian- like free spirit. These are the duality of me.
As a child with type 1 diabetes, I remember feeling like no one understood me, except for possibly my sister, who also had type 1 diabetes. I am, however, referring to the health care professionals who cared for me. I thought for sure that I was the only kid who hid candy under her pillow or lied about her blood sugar results to hide the fact that she had eaten way too many donuts or ice cream bars. On the trip home from one doctor’s appointment I distinctly remember thinking, “When I grow up, I am going to take care of kids with diabetes and I hope I never make them feel bad for eating too much candy.” Of course, I never admitted to eating candy, but that is another story.
I hope you will not be surprised to learn that now that I am grown up, I am a registered nurse and Certified Diabetes Educator. I am also the diabetes camp director and executive director of Diabetes Solutions.
Here are a few of the things that DSOK does…
· Diabetes camping programs and learning opportunities for those of all ages who have type 1 diabetes.
· Diabetes education and ongoing support for children and their families newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
· Insulin pump and continuous glucose sensor training and support.
· Monthly newsletters offering information, guidance, articles of interest and more. It also includes a Diabetes Spotlight section where we shine the spotlight on someone living their lives despite diabetes. Many powerful stories are shared here.
· A1C Fund. Advancing 1’s Control with financial support for those trying to advance their diabetes control capabilities using technologies such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.
· Advocacy: involvement with the Oklahoma Legislative Diabetes Caucus.
· T1D Awards, Target 100 Campaign and so much more!
· To see more of the wonderful things we do, visit our website at www.dsok.net.
We have managed to keep Diabetes Solutions afloat for many years. We’ve never had excessive anything… but we always have enough to keep us going. Needless to say, it is difficult to grow an organization with limited financial resources and business savvy people.
Growing Diabetes Solutions would allow me and my wonderful part time staff to focus more on caring for those affected by type 1 diabetes and worry less about how we will pay the bills. There is so much yet to be done. Will you help me make this happen?
I have worked with hundreds of kids, teens and young adults who live each day of their lives poking their fingers to force a drop of blood out; giving countless injections or insulin pump site changes; feeling like they were on an overbearing rollercoaster when blood sugar levels swing from high to low and back again; listening to so many well intended friends, strangers and health care professionals offer unsolicited advice on how we should or should not be managing our diabetes. We are the same in so many ways; those who have type 1 diabetes and me.
As a diabetes educator and camp director, I have had the privilege of being a part of so many lives over the years, not only as a DSOK representative, but as a friend. I have attended birthday parties, weddings and baby showers. I’ve had countless kids and parents come to my home during evening hours and weekends to borrow diabetes supplies in a pinch. When parents have been afraid to leave their child with type 1 diabetes with a babysitter, a few of them have been left with me while moms and dads did what they needed to do. We are a strong community and I need your help to continue.
Hard work and dedication is what it takes to change culture, improve lives and be there for those affected by type 1 diabetes. My job is not a 9 to 5 job. If you have type 1 diabetes, there are times when you just wish you could pick up the phone and ask someone a question to help solve the problem at the moment. I am that person that many people call.
They say that as your life draws closer to the end many people wish they had done more for their family or spent more time smelling the flowers along the rocky paths of life rather than worked harder at their job. How blessed am I that what I do as a job, is such a huge part of who I am! People that I help are part of a family not defined by genetics. People with type 1 diabetes form bonds that last a lifetime and defy all barriers of race, religion, culture, economics or age.
Meanwhile, I have been married almost 15 years and have a 12 year old daughter, two step-sons and one step grandson. My family has been very supportive and very helpful in all things diabetes camp and Diabetes Solutions. They know that what I do is also part of who I am. They know that when my phone rings, it is likely a fearful parent who needs a pep talk about trying to navigate life with diabetes or a teen that is having a rough day, diabetes related or not.
I remember once, a camper asked me, “Kim, you spend so much time looking out for all of us and taking care of us, but who takes care of you?” It is not often that I am left speechless but I did not know how to answer this young friend. I shook my head, smiled and said, “Well… I don’t really know. I guess, I do.” He smiled and ran off to play, and as he was leaving, he yelled, “Let me know if you need any help with that.”
Today, I know I can’t do all of this on my own. I really need that wise camper’s help. I need everyone’s help to keep the campfires burning. With your help, more lives can be improved. More tears can be wiped away. More hands can be held and more gloomy clouds can be lifted. More kids and families can be given the opportunity to feel a part of a world that welcomes them with open arms rather than feeling like an outsider in a world where no one understands them or feeling shame related to a disease they did not ask for.
The day after I turn 50, my husband, who had no idea what he was getting into when he married me, will celebrate his 60th birthday. Together, we will be 110. I’d like to think that we have given 110% to this organization and all of those we serve. Now I am the one asking for help.
Please help me celebrate my 50th birthday by helping me raise $50,000 to help those who need it most. If you are a current donor to DSOK, the words I say are nothing compared to the gratitude I feel in my heart; thank you. If you are considering making a donation thank you for your generosity, support and love!
Until there’s a cure… there’s Diabetes Solutions!
Kim Boaz Wilson
Oklahoma City, OK
Diabetes Solutions-OK, Inc.