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Hurricane Harvey Family Fund

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Hi everyone,

For those of you who have met me or have seen my youtube channel , you might know me as an American Ninja Warrior or calisthenics enthusiast but this week, my family and I unfortunately became victims of Hurricane Harvey and I'm setting up this GoFundMe Campaign to help rebuild our lives.

On Monday, August 28, there was a mandatory evacuation  implemented in my neighborhood Canyon Gate . However, it was too late because water was seeping through our door and the road was neck deep in water. It was impossible to leave.

Fortunately, my family, dog and I were rescued by the coast guard just in time.

We lost our cars and house and everything inside. All we have is the clothes on our back.

We don’t have flood insurance because our area was never considered to be in the flood plane and was not required in the neighborhood. My parents worked hard to immigrate to America, so they could give my brother Carlo, sister Alyssa and myself the opportunity to succeed as first generation Filipino Americans.

We’ve lived in Houston, Texas for over 20 years, but have nothing to show for it due to the flood. It may take several weeks or months for the flooding to subside and even longer for us to safely live inside our house again.

I’m not sure what the exact costs will be, but according to a quote on chron.com:

"What they say is an inch of water costs you 10 percent of the home's value in repairs. A foot costs 40 to 50 percent, and 3 feet it's almost pushing 100 percent.”

My parents are approaching the age of retirement and just finished paying off the loans for our house and cars and I want to offset the burden of starting over again due to the flood. 

Thanks to the donations of relief centers, we have the bare necessities, which are clothes, shoes, food, water and temporary shelter.

These funds will be going towards living expenses along with house and car repairs.

If you're not able to donate please share our campaign, and please continue to pray for all the other families affected by Hurricane Harvey. We all need your help. Thank you!



  • Gualtiero Forte
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Paolo De Guzman
Katy, TX
Edwin De Guzman

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