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Hattie Craven's CD "Bright"

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Sometimes it takes family, friends & fans to help make a creative dream a reality.
I'm lucky to have my dad for a second recording in my 16 years of twirling 'round this earth. I must say, I have a great deal of appreciation & respect for my dad, (Joe Craven ) with his musical guidance & insight as my producer, his awesome playing & all round support on this, my sophomore recording, "Bright". There are eight songs on this upcoming release. Think of it as a long EP or a short CD;  how about an EPCD?

Like my first release , I have put my stamp on some favorites... spanning decades in the Pop Song Book, with jazzy, folky treatments, even a little Reggae plus other feels I'm not quite sure what to call them.

I'm always drawn to songs that celebrate support, friendship, compassion plus good 'ol fashioned happiness. I'm hoping to share this new batch of re-worked old & new classics with folks of all ages whenever I can and to whoever would like to listen.   

Here's The Pitch...

Your donation will help me with; 
Recording costs, CD Replication and Digital Distribution; all of this in the service of getting the music to you.  

A minimum donation of $10 bucks gets you all the music as a download and options go from there.

"Hear" we go...

In Art & Heart


  • Kim Fairbrother
    • $20
    • 6 yrs


Hattie Craven
Dixon, CA

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